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Everything posted by compo

  1. it just looks like another huge pay day for layers
  2. he sounds like a man as daft as myself:lol:
  3. what next some fan committing hari kari on the pitch
  4. makes me wonder if there is a very bad balance sheet waiting to come out .
  5. has he got a psv licence they are paying a decent wage Mcgills and some overtime .
  6. i just wish it would all come to an end all this not knowing whats going to happen next my wish is for a good board of directors playing a great game of the pitch and looking after the club and a team on the pitch winning and playing good football so all the fans can enjoy it because believe me the rangers fans deserve the best .
  7. Just read this book and i for one am not impressed by leggats cheap effort to put into print the life and times and his impact into scottish football a poultry 238 pages of wasted ink and paper the life and times of mr Struth could fill three times that amount of space i think leggats playing on the fans to make a quick payday .
  8. put a contract in front of him give him five minuets to read it through and if he is still dithering rip it up its not as if he is in the terry butcher class
  9. there will soon be that may waring factions in our ranks we may have to bring in un peacekeepers:rfc:
  10. one of my grandsons got his first season ticket when he was just six months old upper copland it was so when he gets a wee bit older he will be sitting beside his brother who is six .
  11. maybe its a cunning plan so we buy more and more anyway its better than spending your money on beer .
  12. I couldn't care less if we wore pink jockstraps as long as we win .
  13. I remember seeing slim and his wife in a shop in buchanan street and she was a beautiful woman .
  14. wee shug of the drum is today showing his bigoted side
  15. No I don't think the s f a will give us anything .
  16. Maybe its a good thing then we never managed 10iar the suicide rate would have gone through the roof or of the roof .
  17. Why does M do as irving scholar did with spurs and contact all the so called small shareholders and offer to buy their shares then he might get between 29 to 25 percent of the shares then the fans might accept him as the real deal it looks to me that he wants to call the shots with the minimum of outlay .
  18. Do you think the fans will show a vocal support of McColl on saturday .
  19. What is needed is for M cColl to come out and explain to the fans and shareholders just what is going on as those behind the red bricks of ibrox will tell us nothing
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