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Everything posted by compo

  1. I would rather have Charlie effing chaplain
  2. we the fans have one more vote and that's with our wallets .
  3. season ticket holders should write to the club informing them they will not re-new season tickets until we get change
  4. i wonder what the response would be if every season ticket holder were to write and tell them they will not be re-newing next season
  5. I would rather have king and wait for it mister prior on any new board .
  6. we will know once the votes are counted .
  7. I wonder how steele would fair in this day and age of tippy tappy footie
  8. any fans remember jim steele who we took on loan now there was a lad who could tackle
  9. brazil could not have picked an easier group .
  10. in my opinion he has no chance of being voted on to any ibrox board .
  11. compo

    The Sinbin

    what happens when the goalie gets a yellow card
  12. as an old fan I just want my grandchildren to have the same years of enjoyment as I had following the rangers
  13. point 8 why should non executive directors get any extra payments if the club are in Europe ponit 3 why should a member of a directors family not be rewarded if they are employed by the rangers and bringing in much needed income point 2 most of the fans cant even agree between e each other and I cant see any of them bringing anything to the club and no I am not related to a director just a lifelong fan who wants the best for the club
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