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Everything posted by compo

  1. ibrox and the training ground must stay in full control of the club what we need is some deent scouts to bring the best of young talent to auchenhowie to turn them into footballers that's the future of our club brining through our own players it might take time but if we get it right the rewards will be high off and on the park
  2. corrupt Glasgow city council might be worth looking at councillors and ex councillors , Redmond , coleman , McMaster and mcavetty maybe they could throw some light on the dealings football tax haven this person might have his foot near first base
  3. at yesterdays game my grandson lost a blackberry phone he is in the upper copland stand there is a reward
  4. I don't think there will be any second admin
  5. a bit of good news
  6. anyone on the forum think that maybe mister king is waiting/hoping for admin 2 to gain control of the club
  7. rangers players should always work hard off and on the park .
  8. we should rise above this and ally should pen an open letter saying he never took offence , lets leave this petty stuff to the others .
  9. beware leaks can sink ships , me I don't care what ally is being paid as a wage as long as he gets us to the premier league
  10. anyone who knows that district could tell you that all the land fron London road right down the banks of the clyde as far as rutherglen is rotten with contamination this is a well know fact its due to all the ittle engineering factories that were based in the area we or anyone else don't need geotechnical reports to what I have known for years the main toxic poison is chromium the council have known that for the past forty years
  11. players are not up to the standard needed by Manchester look at the penalties four were off target , he will come good don't panic
  12. a decent interview from mister wallaces end no crazy statements like some of the clowns before him .
  13. i suppose you could say that any club in football with a win percentage like rangers does not have on field problems .
  14. what about legal fees we must have spent a pretty penny on solicitors
  15. its always easy to be wise after the event anyhow I just don't listen to any of these clowns anymore .
  16. There is no way any player should take any kind of a pay cut our club has more so called financial guru's than you can shake a stick at in the past few days we have had to watch the penny a share boys cash in and get rich its about time the board earned their huge wages and got deals done to bring in much needed revenue the way things are going the day we sell either ibrox or murray park cant be far off then the club will be locked into a lease scheme paying rent that we don't have .
  17. don't like this talk of cutbacks what will happen at the end of the season if we have to make even more cuts keep going at this rate and there will soon be no more to cut
  18. if we bring in nash then stockbridge ,olverman and Dickson are then not needed sack them and that will be a saving .
  19. some of the players he has are past their sell buy date
  20. I would think this could be the time to buy maybe someone like a mister king .
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