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Everything posted by compo

  1. best starting with a wee club and clyde fit the bill he might end up a world beater
  2. I think once some one gets 30 percent the thay have to make an offer to buy out the other share holders
  3. good game last night Holland looked up for it
  4. it will soon be zero hours contracts at ibrox the way things are going
  5. the fans have spoken but will the board listen and what will be king and goughs next move ??????????????
  6. this is for the existing shareholders to secure their grip on their investment its all about money next thing will in my opinion will be the sale of the stadium and a rent back deal put in place, as long as the main shareholders get their return they wont give a flying toss about the fans or the club and to a certain extent I blame king and his crazy season ticket fiasco .
  7. why would we want butcher we have a manager
  8. a woman of decision could do with her at rangers
  9. now you can see why the millions have been spent on the new infrastructure all around their stadium in the east end
  10. with delia in charge they might get better pies
  11. why do we need a third strip
  12. thoughts are with his loved ones
  13. when you look at duff & phelps in comparison to the outfit that did the same type of job for hearts its night and day there was something going on from the start with whytes desperation to appoint duff & phelps
  14. any one think they might go down the road of another share issue sooner rather than later and would we buy into it again knowing how they messed up the first issue .
  15. the big german goalkeeper did for mols a fine fine player he was as for negri well there is nothing wrong with a centre who can pop them in like he did either would do for me .
  16. we have to watch just how far we back the board into the corner desperate times will bring about desperate measures maybe a ground name sponsorship deal like the rugby boys or worse the hawking of other assets then that would give the board the excuse to blame the fans .
  17. I find it hard to believe although I don't doubt it that any sane man would have agreed to a deal where the club got 70 pence a shirt sounds to old foggy someone somewhere got a backhander if that figure is correct
  18. don't know who will win bur brazil have the home advantage and the pedigree as for England a quarter final will ne a good display but keep an eye on Belgium to do well
  19. I think they will do well maybe a quarter final
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