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Everything posted by compo

  1. we would need a first class stock market man to explain this in plain simple English
  2. millers back and it looks like boyds coming back anybody else you would welcome back I know I would like Henderson and Wilson on the wings ,this type of signing is not the way forward
  3. given good service he would have done well at rangers .
  4. is mister king still in Scotland its all gone very quiet which to compo means more worry as to whats going on .
  5. I blame ally he should be buying players that wee can slag
  6. their defending at times is a joke I blame the over rated EPL
  7. fans are taking advantage of the big yellow ball in the sky there will be plenty to say once the rangers get signing players and back playing the game
  8. looking at the photo of Sammy serving up a pint , that's what most of these great club servants ended up with running a pub or if lucky owning one , today most top players leave the game pretty well off if they have taken care of their money .
  9. I don't believe green has ever been away , I think he is the man in the background to some of the mystery investors
  10. well it is the marching season , though I don't think it will make any difference to them in power .
  11. carefull what you say lads don't want to see any of you getting a solicitors letter
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