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Posts posted by compo

  1. it looks like no one can stop him he is taking over our club for an outlay of nothing all loans will be paid back so he gets his money back and the club will be an offshoot of sports direct , bloody shambles .

    but saying that it looks like no one is stopping him .

  2. its like fighting cancer you have good days and bad days until the docs up your medication the three bears and king are our docs its time to up the medication they should contact every rangers minded shareholder get organized and take this mob on in a battle to the bitter end anyone who reads my post no I don't go for boycotts but I am prepared now for that road but again its got to be organized and every fan has to play his part lets leave them with an empty stadium from now until the board departs and stops this theft of the club .

  3. Last Saturday I passed the red lion pub at plantation and seen the supporters bus leaving for the game this is a club that's been going for quite a time anyone know of any clubs that have been going for over twenty years I have great admiration for these clubs and the blokes that run them well done to them all .

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