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Everything posted by compo

  1. after their shambles on Wednesday the good doctor was hurting bad is it any surprise this has come up again
  2. maybe dave king should be looking at getting a group of rangers minded investors together and try and buy the club before the present mob make their holding stronger and if it stays the same I can see the sale of the training ground coming soon they will have to get the money soon
  3. maybe if we had sold the same number of season tickets we would have been better placed in the financial side we have had advice from this one and that one on weather to buy or boycott this is the outcome we are running short again if we don't get our act together on and off the park we will end up like leeds a giant of yesteryear
  4. you could always take chits with you .
  5. don't buy it keep your money for a bag of chips on the way home .
  6. When are we going to see an international arrest warrant issued an this rouge brought home to face justice
  7. we have not even played a game in anger yet and we have fitness concerns ,pampered little darlings get them over to gullane and build them up for the season ahead .
  8. T o my thinking the board will do as they are told by the owners and if that means selling the training ground then it will happen and if it goes as far as selling the stadium that to will go ahead they have the shares and the power unless someone or some group buy them out right now we don't know whats coming its worrying times lads .
  9. there is something about the name murray and failure the go hand in hand
  10. imagine we were in the premier league this season how well do you think this squad we have at present would perform
  11. we have wasted two seasons when we should have been building a decent squad for our return to the premier
  12. I was in the east end of Glasgow today and let me tell you all the work done at the front of parkhead and surrounding the stadium must have cost a fortune I would like to know who is paying for it and how much its costing .
  13. did you know that back in 1973 our very own willie waddell wanted to deprive sides of any points from goalless draws
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