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Everything posted by compo

  1. One of the things about modern football is £4 million is chicken feed if he helps deliver the title it will be seen as deal of the year as someone pointed out he's quite robust and that's never a bad thing.
  2. Yes the joke back then was MTK meant More Trouble for Kelly
  3. Crazy prices but that's normal now we'll probably get 15 million for Dressers
  4. I think and I’m an old fool that they should bring back the cup winners cup
  5. Roll on Wednesday starting to look forward to games these days
  6. Strange weekend Newcastle getting beat I’m sure Davie Moyes will take some personal satisfaction from beating united the Toffees were unlucky against Spurs and the Pensioners getting beaten again
  7. I do wish some of our fans would stop having a go at young McCausland the young man should be encouraged I’m sure our manager sees his potential as he works with him nearly every day I’m for one who loves it when we play the youngsters I may be harsh on some of our established players but never a young lad .
  8. Balogun put in a decent shift
  9. If the chairman had done his job the manager who’d won us plenty of trophies should have been moved on he was past his sell buy date in the upcoming tracksuit managers Stein , Turnball and more and the other lot wouldn’t have had the success they had
  10. The broth boys are back marching in a gang blocking the kings highway and setting off green smoke bombs all of them hiding their ugly faces under masks whilst police Scotland stand scratching their balls and watching . Oh if I had a Tommy gun
  11. Add the words tone deaf drummers and get this sign at every turnstile
  12. Spoke to McNeil about this and he said he had tremendous power in his jump and perfect timing another one he didn’t like playing against was Forrest .
  13. Might have been better signing Mr Nilly or even Useless Eustace for all the good some of his signings have been
  14. I doubt if will they be found guilty of 119 infringements they will have a group of legal wiz kids pulling the charges apart and if found guilty of anything then it’s probably a fine and a fine to them is nothing
  15. The rich clubs are exempt from investigation
  16. I’m sure the new manager has already identified the weakest links and will be aiming to strengthen those areas
  17. They must be running scared I’ve just read that they have welcomed back the odious green brigade
  18. I see Manchester City have taken a fifth trophy in a calendar year by becoming world club champions and no doubt a hefty chunk of prize money.
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