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Posts posted by compo

  1. Strange to see some of these guys have attacking others recently. Dirty politics indeed.


    When I was a young boy working down in deepest Ayrshire I asked a question about wages and this old timer said , son its awe poalatiks an poalatiks is a durty word and a durty business , he was spot on :rfc:

  2. A wee bit of fun do you ever think back about player you would have liked to see playing for the gers lets make it you can pick three , here's my three Neil Martin , Alex Edwards and Allan McGraw I would have liked them at Ibrox .

  3. After watching arsenal v Chelsea yesterday and it was a decent game but the ref sends of the arsenal centre half for a foul replay showed no contact so the big Chelsea man is another fanny merchant an actor trying and getting a fellow player sent off in my old eyes there is nothing worse.

    But to my surprise I was listening to one ref this morning saying he was sent off for intent is this what its come to intent he never touched him ref what next getting sent of for looking angry .

    I am just back from hospital and full of drugs so any spelling mistakes or lack of grammar pleas forgive.

  4. After the recent bad behavior of the Celtic fans home and away surely the authorities should be making them play some games behind closed doors .


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