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Everything posted by compo

  1. The cost of materials and wages have hit any stadium expansion on any kind of scale needed to increase capacity is way beyond our club now unless we get some real heavy investment from someone/somewhere
  2. In France recently the government tried to ban away fans from games the reason the return of hooliganism since the end of COVID regulations but the clubs got it overturned I personally think every game needs away fans but then again there's fans and there are fans
  3. I believe players wishing to become managers should serve as a number two for a couple of seasons
  4. 1963 seen Mazzola and Fachetti playing for inter we beat them Jim Forrest goal but you could see they were class acts
  5. Everything about him just said class
  6. It's been a good open first half at Wigan so far .
  7. Wonderful player who made playing look so easy
  8. Next time I’m in Glasgow will pay it a visit can you just walk in there’s no booking or anything like that
  9. I'm old enough to remember when a transfer would be done and dusted in a couple of days nowadays with agents and contact talks not to mention all the other things to fanny about with it takes ages
  10. Arsenal had plenty of chances so no excuses
  11. I can see a situation arising that if there is any chance of cup or league success in Scotland then referees are going to make sure it doesn’t happen .
  12. I was surprised to see so many empty seats i don’t think we’ve had any shock results so far hopefully it will be a good game later with Arsenal and Liverpool
  13. 1979 Rangers v Valencia and one Mario Kempes a first class player who played like a right good inside forward.
  14. I remember in cup games England and Scotland they would give you the attendance and gate receipts can’t remember what percentage the away team got after expenses.
  15. Referees will not be happy with Rangers for complaining I see lots of decisions going against us until the end of the season
  16. Defended like his Rangers team
  17. Watching a good meaty cup game between Sunderland and Newcastle
  18. I think everyone but the main man knew it was a penalty but from some snippets I’ve been reading some referees are not keen on officiating at our games after the club had the temerity to ask questions.
  19. The next time VAR gives us the benefit of a controversial decision it will be the greatest thing since sliced bread let’s not let this fester .
  20. I remember a welsh man by the name of Cliff Jones what a winger he was played for Spurs
  21. Scotland isn’t ready for VAR we’re a country steeped in religious bigotry sadly it’s still with us in 2024 in the west of Scotland and probably the central belt you’re still in the Billy or the Dan stage of development you’re surely not expecting one or the other to give decisions against his own lot .
  22. Overall a poor match at Spurs the only saving factor was a fine winning goal .
  23. Let’s have your thoughts on the team’s performance so far you can break it up into two phases the Beale game’s and now the Clement days any players that have improved or are some just lost causes.
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