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Everything posted by compo

  1. Did you know that since the investigation into city began they have lifted twelve trophies how a club spends their money should be they’re own business if they can’t pay their bills then they will go bust like we did at Ibrox and instead of draconian punishments their respective associations should be doing all within the rules to help them not punish them .
  2. Do you think we'll sign anyone this window or just keep the Dosh for some summer buying.
  3. Anybody know how much the big black shed cost to build I do remember it seemed to take rather long for such a simple structure.
  4. compo

    No games

    Yes a fine pastime I did lots of walking when I was younger
  5. compo

    No games

    What do you do on the Saturday's when there is no football at Ibrox when I was a bit more able I used to go to the 50 pitches or Glasgow green and take in the amateurs seen some very good games.
  6. Even the refs over here are shite as well. .
  7. Just a kick about to keep the joints moving
  8. Three goals for city took the points in this very enjoyable game of football
  9. A very good first half at SaintJames Park Newcastle 2 city 1
  10. I wonder what the odds are of someone coming back injured
  11. Slowest Rangers team for years slow in athleticism and slow of thought to much dawdling wondering who to pass to
  12. Bad weather is long term forecast let's hope we don't have any more games called off the last thing we need is a fixture backlog
  13. It's back tomorrow night Burnley play the Hatters I did watch Liverpool last night in the league cup they do have some very decent young players.
  14. Good idea but there will be rules and regulations in place and if not I could see the local council and some councillors creating all kinds of problems
  15. I think a.l this science is nonsense players now are running to the medical team with the least little twinge look at Roofe if he was in the workplace I’d have him up before the company doctor nothing but a malingering waste of a wage packet
  16. I don't think we could afford to pay a single player £60,000 a week and if we did it would be reckless
  17. Lets not kid ourselves footballers of today wouldn't know what a day's hard work is .
  18. builds mussels and builds character then again in these day's of namby pamby nancy boys we might be better wrapping them up for the break in cotton wool like christmas decorations
  19. a week at Gullane would be more beneficial
  20. The new manager has steadied the ship it will be interesting to see what kind of players he brings in and to see if he can steal us to the title. I wish him luck
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