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Everything posted by compo

  1. Sounds good a right good thrashing with the cat o nine tails
  2. the Scotland and England managers have both shown a great deal of tactical naivety in their lineups
  3. I wonder if they are going to sell Butland that might raise a few bob for outfield players I don’t think Kelly’s been signed just to fill the squad picture .
  4. A wonderful opportunity squandered by a buffoon of a manager and a board with not an iota of vision and they are paying the price these days
  5. Switzerland 0...2 Italy Germany 2...0 Denmark Joker England 2...0 Slovakia Spain 2...0 Georgia France 1... 0 Belgium Portugal 1... 0 Slovenia Romania 1... 2 Holland Austria 2... 2 Turkey
  6. Take full points in the first four games and it will be a very good start mon the gers
  7. Steve Clarke being interviewed for the vacant post at the end of September fans forming a sack the board movement and building inspectors finding the new steel is cheap Chinese tat 😂😂
  8. A very good match between Portugal and Georgia it would be nice to think our lads might pick up a few tips on defending from these Georgian lads . Auld Joe Stalin would have been proud of his lads
  9. Rangers would be okay if they could set up a defence like this first half Georgian performance
  10. He's a footie player not a doctor all this nonsense of being at the birth modern men a bunch of big jessies
  11. It appears that Foden has returned to England to deal with some kind of family matter I wonder if he’ll return to Germany.
  12. Best to wait until the transfer window closes so i can see what we've got before saying anything on our outgoings and incomings although i read somewhere we are looking at Butland as captain next season call me old fashioned but i prefer an outfield player as captain ,
  13. A strange one this England group we all know they have been pretty poor but they’ve still topped their section surely they can’t get any worse but they can play better we’ve all seen the players in their club sides playing well week in week out maybe it’s the coach playing them out of position.
  14. Apart from the Holland game the other three matches were pretty dire affairs
  15. We are taking it for granted that we will be playing in Murrayfield what if the good people of that district and nearby Corstorphine don’t wish a visit from some of the bad and stupid elements that follow follow and raise an objection with the council. An alternative venue should have been in place by now .
  16. Mon the English. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
  17. So if Barron went to a club outside Scotland the dons would get around 525000 pounds training fee so why are we fannying about pay them the money
  18. As the chap said in the public toilet I’m holding my own
  19. You will never build a good house with duff materials my instructions last night would have been all out attack for the 90 minutes with Shankland on from the start
  20. Everyone on the wireless is saying Clarke’s time is up but who in their right mind would want the job all you’ve got to pick from is a bunch of dumplings.
  21. If I've read the stats correctly then in three games we've got two goals both own goals I think and in these three matches we've achieved three corner kicks those two stats if correct I may have read it wrongly then we're playing matches and not putting the opposition under any sustained pressure
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