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Everything posted by compo

  1. If paying 15 for potential then why not a crazy sum for the finished article
  2. People saying £20 million for Butland yep I agree and I've always said we sell to cheap just reading that Villa have offered £15 million for someone called Morgan Rodgers be honest have you ever heard of him, stuff it £30 million for Butland.
  3. The clock is ticking if we have any deals on the go then get the lube out and get the finger out .
  4. Luton four up against Brighton there goes my coupon
  5. Always good to see investment in the Scottish game
  6. [Snip] a himshe is of no use to man not beast
  7. Celtic fans will now be eating Lidl's own brand now
  8. I seem to remember the Dutch played total football were players were comfortable in all outfield positions so why can't our players just adapt.
  9. Barcelona a bit like Rangers big clubs in their own right but now living on former glory days
  10. All this talk about bringing in or buying I wonder just how much our squad would be worth if we sold them all .
  11. United through listening to these so called experts you'd think they were lucky I don't think the result was ever in doubt .
  12. I used to enjoy a good old riot back in the day I remember seeing a bear chasing a police dog at Newcastle one night 😄
  13. Watching the Throstles playing Wolves at the moment decent game so far . bit of a stramash some crowd trouble what a bunch of twats .
  14. Watched some of the games this weekend and some shock results that's why I'd love to see our cup throw in the premier teams right from the first games might give us Celtic v Auchinleck or Rangers v Petershill.
  15. The one that's disappointed me is Lowry looks like he's messed up his career now he's back and on the sick that's no use to anyone.
  16. Can see them going down the same road as United after Sir Govan left.
  17. Not one stood out but Butland did the job he's paid for
  18. No poncy goal celebrations a quick handshake more than enough
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