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Everything posted by compo

  1. We’re ln a position of our own making joint leaders all we have to do now is keep winning . mon the gers
  2. The word legend gets pinned on every player who has a couple of decent games these days here was a man who made every pass count passes played with slide rule precision a truly great Rangers player .
  3. I see Roy Hodgson has taken ill i wish him a speedy recovery time to sit back and relax he's done his time in management should be enjoying what time he has left like myself .
  4. Probably to remind them who's their betters they cant have anyone rocking the good ship gravy train
  5. On the law of averages your always bound to get some right but on consistency we dont have any real good crossers of a ball
  6. We don't have any real good crossers of a ball so stick to the short one's
  7. It’s now a case of what the actress said to the bishop can we keep it up .
  8. Joint top of the league this morning not exactly where I wanted to be but near enough.
  9. Three goals three points we are now joint top of the league there’s a long way to go but we’re getting there .
  10. Biggest game of the season the prize is leadership of the league lets get out on the park and get the goals and the points no excuses . mon the gers
  11. again a Davie Wilson goal that day but as Scott7 says that was the start of our misery it was dire times to be a Rangers fan Few cups was a poor return for what at that time was a lot of money invested in players I still maintain we should have given White a bit longer but old tight arse Waddle had his poison pen going in his newspaper column ach well as they say it’s all history now. mon the gers
  12. Think it was Davis who scored first Millar Greig then wee Davie got the fourth at half time in the other lots dressing room there was an almighty stushie between Sean Fallon and Paddy Crerand the result being old!elly issues the order he’s to be dropped you could say it was an earlier version of Kerrydale meltdown
  13. Just watched a very clinical performance from Manchester City putting Copenhagen firmly in their place .
  14. Think old Roy should walk out at palace he’s done his best and he shouldn’t be taking the shit for well paid players not being able to do the simplest of things .
  15. I think Souttar looks like Para Handy with his red face and whiskers
  16. Remember when one had to speak the king or queen’s English to work as a BBC broadcaster .
  17. By jings the gunners gave the hammers it full blast this afternoon
  18. Six decades eh well we should take the lead and start pushing for six decades of trophies to be stripped and the record book adjusted.
  19. It wasn't our best performance but even the best ever teams when winning leagues and cup play many games like this during a season I personally think sometimes the opposition brings you down to their level , but we march on .
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