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Everything posted by compo

  1. A couple of Jocks Wallace and Tiger Shaw and a good blinking defender he was
  2. At the day’s end we got the result and the points that’s all that counts
  3. That we tongue lashing at half time did the trick now for Motherwell.
  4. By jove we are pretty poor so far a right good talking to at half time a few home truths and some substitutions should do the trick . Mon the Gers
  5. The bookies have it at Kilmarnock 6/1 Draw 10/3 Rangers 1/3
  6. Last night's game at Luton was an enjoyable match the score suggests a city romp but believe me Luton played some very good football if they keep performing well then the relegation battle in the premiership will be worth watching .
  7. Don’t forget George McNeil the Tranent sprinter who broke all kinds of records couldn’t compete at amateur level but in the handicaps he was a superstar even beating Tommie Smith the Olympic champion in three out of four races down at Wakefield I believe it was Hibs he played for that barred him from the amateur ranks
  8. Haaland just bagged his fourth goal make it five
  9. It’s game on Luton have pulled two back a very enjoyable game
  10. Haaland makes goal scoring look so easy three goals so far
  11. Probably the best player I ever set eyes on Ferenc Puskas the galloping Major
  12. XG when one of my players takes a shot at goal I expect him to score every time and when he’s sitting in a corner at half time he will have it pointed out in some rather choice words 😉
  13. Oh yes a fine footballer
  14. Would have loved to have seen him playing for Rangers
  15. I see that toffees have had their points deduction reduced from ten to six that should move them up a couple of places in the league mon the toffees
  16. Another fine Scottish boxer Walter McGowan
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