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Everything posted by compo

  1. As the great man said,it’s a funny old game
  2. The scousers could be heading to defeat
  3. It’s now we wait to see if the manager can steady the buffs get them winning games and go to Parkhead and get the result a hard ask but not impossible a bit of jiggery pokery with his team tell his charges a few home truths drop the undroppable and show them he’s the boss.
  4. When a team has defenders that can’t defend your in trouble from the word go add that to our half backs/midfielders who’s build up is so slow and ponderous you’re up shit creek .
  5. I don’t know about hard up the sheikh would need to be half witted
  6. That’s what happens when you take the opposition for granted
  7. As I said a couple of days back I watched County play well to beat Hearts and they played well again today and we it looks to me took a win for granted.
  8. The UEFA super computer predicted the winners for future competitions
  9. Won’t be easy on Sunday I watched a very competent County beat Hearts recently so we’ll have to be on our toes.
  10. I didn’t think the magpies were that far off a champions league place but looking at the table it will take a miracle
  11. As soon as this games won and out the way the better it’s went on longer than Peyton Place .
  12. The magpies two ahead at the moment
  13. Always good to see them get a good scudding
  14. Aye and almost half the attendance Rangers fans
  15. We should be sitting top of the table this morning oh dear
  16. Get a plastic pitch problem solved
  17. Just have to watch the champions league games now
  18. This is how the Bernabeu now looks like all nice a shiny
  19. If we reach the cup final it will be squeezed in between the final and the last league game
  20. compo

    The last line

    Lammers seems to be doing well so we might get a decent fee for him but good defenders don’t come cheap so we may have to settle for one but let that one be a leader someone not slow to tell the rest to focus on their job . As for Sundays game we could have turned the clock back to when Greig used to fit in at left back and played well I would have put Tavernier at left back with Sterling at the right hand side
  21. Champions league final tickets not that it will bother us but if you fancy a trip to Wembley its disabled 60 euros class 3 160 euros class 2 430 euros class 1 610 euros following a successful team can be expensive.
  22. Nothing surprises me when I hear of people paying money fo a pair of jeans that come ripped fucking brainless and these mugs are the future there will be horses in Saturdays national with more brains .
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