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Everything posted by compo

  1. This performance is that poor I’m starting to enjoy the drummer
  2. Team looks knackered you’d think they walk up to Dundee slow slow and stop
  3. The league will be decided on points and we'll have one more than the horrors.
  4. I got a prescription from someone in Dundee
  5. It’s been a grand day weather wise so the pitch should be in perfect condition for our players to show their superb footballing skills and putting Dundee to the sword no excuses I’m looking for a scintillating performance tonight.
  6. It’s time for the manager to be bold I’d drop Goldson and Tavernier the only way to find out if other players are up to the job is by playing them not pussyfooting about be bold Mr Clement .
  7. Sleeves rolled up and anyone wearing gloves or a vest is definitely a pansy
  8. The best we can muster but I would drop Tavernier and put Sterling at right back .
  9. compo

    Can we do it?

    The pressures off now before Sunday we could only lose it now it’s there for the taking . mon the gers
  10. The Germans and the French are through to the semifinal
  11. We shall walk upon the waters of Dens
  12. It’s a toss up as to who has the worst defence Rangers or Everton probably a dead heat .
  13. The toffees are two down already 😂
  14. Well what do you think can we do it all it’s going to take is win all our remaining league games and we’re champions right now after yesterday’s debacle the pressures off so with a few tweaks to the defence the half backs and forwards given a reality check we can go on and win it ,or have i taken the wrong tablets.
  15. This is the first stadium I ever seen the Rangers playing in Cathkin park home of Third Lanark
  16. Of course he does and he’s the only one the rest either pass sideways or back
  17. At least some good news a punter had the good sense to stick County in his accumulator and lifted over a £100,000 well done him
  18. McCausland was the only player we had who'd take opponents on now since he's been out it's the after you Claude tactics again a few square passes and pass back for a Goldson diagonal blooter up the park .failure to win this league could mean a potential loss of up to £40,000,000 in next seasons champions league money .
  19. A deadly duo in their time
  20. I’ve been sitting here thinking hard and I don’t ever remember him scoring from outside the box
  21. Ah I’m not alone in it’s the same old shite after I will add a bright start but there’s an old saying shite finds its own level .
  22. As the great man said,it’s a funny old game
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