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Everything posted by compo

  1. Absolute piffle that’s it for me I’m off to the greenhouse to sow some hardy annuals and sweat peas pity I couldn’t grow a few defenders.
  2. A lot of huffing and puffing going on nowt in the way of skill on show pretty dreich so far
  3. A good result and a good performance that's all we can do
  4. For me far to many walk out the door for nothing at Ibrox while that lot in the east will probably bring in plenty if they move a couple out .
  5. The toffees are clear of relegation unless the FA or premier league deduct more points.
  6. I'm having a good day at Haydock park and then I see the name Valentine. 😚
  7. Not the strongest Liverpool side the hammers could do well today
  8. You can get a couple of puddings in Sainsbury's for less than a fiver
  9. Should referees declare if they are in the Masonic lodges .
  10. Pity we aren’t playing today it’s a good day for football
  11. He’s done a Humza and lost the plot if he thinks those two are important for next season we may be looking at a new leader as well as the SNP .
  12. Saint Mirren are sitting fifth in the table so they aren’t under any pressure it should be an open game and with us having better players we should carry the day.
  13. The team of 1934 everyone a hero Mon the gers
  14. Would rather watch Celtic
  15. I wonder what he could have achieved if he’d had the specialist training camps enjoyed by the yanks he was a wonderful competitor.
  16. Would be nice to think we've got this Mr Jacobs on some kind of contract that will see us receiving some compensation.
  17. There's not much to rip up we don't have any depth in our squad unless someone at the club does a cute bit of wheeling and dealing i dont see us having much in the way of money to bring in some more decent players looks like we are stuck behind the black ball
  18. A good result for the toffees last night
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