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Everything posted by compo

  1. Maybe we need a manager who knows the Scottish game from back to front that would narrow the field to one
  2. There’s no way Lundstram should feature in the cup final
  3. Another go but only if he commits himself for another two seasons it no use changing manager every year if he’s not prepared to commit then it’s back to square one at present the club is an embarrassment.
  4. Looks like the toffee's have ended their tenure of Goodison with a victory and a good manager who will be without a club signed off with a three goals to one at the city of London stadium
  5. Stats XGs go for nothing when we field a bunch of second raters who have no heart and a manager who looks incapable of changing our fortunes I dont think we have a lot of money in the cash tin so the future is looking rather grim
  6. If you think we have some of the best players in the league you can join me in my padded cell
  7. Lundstram should have his arse bared then bullwhipping
  8. Win lose or draw you can always console ourselves with the Eurovision song contest later and as an added bonus you might get a glimpse of the northern lights.
  9. Should have played McCausland out on the right
  10. Today’s game at Goodison will probably be the last league match at the grand old ground .
  11. A lovely sunny day outside what better than going out to the field of play in front of 60000 foaming at the mouth toerags and shutting them up once and for all. mon the gers.
  12. second leg tonight at 19;45 hrs
  13. some people think a new manager can turn the fortunes of clubs in a season and when that doesn't happen they are wanting his head remember it took old fergie about five seasons before he got united into shape
  14. give the defenders a good sniff of the smelling salts before they take the field and we will be okay
  15. Tomorrow games a bit like backing a horse with your last hundred pounds never let the odds put you off the bookies probably don't give us a hope in hell but I've backed many a big odds winner and tomorrow I'll be having a good few bob on my team Mon the Gers.
  16. All they can do is go out and perform to their very best and if that's not good enough then it's up to the board to either back the manager with some real money or I fear the manager will be looking for pastures new .
  17. Celtic 0 Rangers 5 Silva all five goals over 250 Celtic fans huckled for fighting each other on the Gallowgate Hugh Keevins blames Rangers fans for the trouble And I scoop the national lottery
  18. Never once went on to the field of play thinking he was going to get beat I think some of our lads are scared of the hooped horrors
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