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Everything posted by compo

  1. Like lots of young players they get a few games then dispatched to to sidelines to make way for the tried and tested duds that managers seem to favour at Ibrox
  2. Yay only criticism of the lad is that bit of bum fluff under his nose wash it off son
  3. I did win a few hundred on the old Celtic pools quite a few years ago a bloke in the legion club used to run it
  4. Looks like we may have some money coming from Leeds if they win promotion it’s all part of the Kamara transfer
  5. we dont need VAR in our country weve got Wullie Column
  6. we should win but some might hold back thinking of the final next week anyway the weathers good and it might be a nice day for our fans in the capital city . meanwhile pity the folk of Glasgow as it looks like the other lot will be having a party lets see if the council create a stushie if any benches get chipped
  7. Good young player never stops trying cant say that for some of them and he is only 21 a bright future ahead and lets hope its at Ibrox
  8. I don’t see any structure it’s been a hunger or bust set up for years now I wonder if we’ve paid all these soft loans back
  9. Wullie is now the devine leader of referees
  10. The once mighty Leeds are in the playoff final.
  11. I wonder what would have been the outcome if there was VAR back in 1966
  12. We don’t need vCard we have Wullie Column in Scotland
  13. And if we rip it up and start again were is all the money going to come from for new staff you won’t get much for the current bunch maybe four million for the goalie but the rest are pound shop quality
  14. Still a goals a goal and by all accounts we needed one I was busy watching the jags play Raith decent game.
  15. According to some Wally on the BBC it was a toepoke
  16. I’d definitely keep young McCausland he at least brings a bit of energy to the team
  17. The high priest of referees wonder who will be sent to represent the club for the ceremony to ordain him .
  18. Only watched the highlights but for me McCausland
  19. City take the lead with one game left
  20. Raiths second goal is of Van Basten proportions
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