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compo last won the day on July 11

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    grandchildren and rangers football club


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    slim jim baxter

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  1. It’s only two years to the World Cup if it’s okay to seed teams in the finals why don’t they try some sort of regional qualifying groups we could have the four home nations plus Eire as a qualifying section
  2. I know we’ve started bringing in some new faces but picture the wage bill if we don’t offload any of the ones who are now surplus
  3. not of a football team
  4. Now it's the blame game the usual bunch of television know it alls the managers getting it the players are getting it the thing that gets me is most of these well paid experts have never sat in the dugout as a manager yet they have all the answers doesn't matter a bit if you have played at the highest level it doesn't mean your going to be good at management i think Gary Neville had a go and got chased even at Ibrox we were glad to see the back of Ally so they should all remember they were lucky just to be players and not managers .
  5. I’m not convinced Kane has been fully fit throughout this entire tournament still it was in the stars Tennis in the afternoon and footie at night a nice Spanish double.
  6. And as we’re playing friendly matches about half the league is playing competitive matches in the league cup
  7. One thing we all know Tavernier can’t defend and Goldson can be awful some days Dessers is one of those players yes he’ll get goals but not enough he’s one of these players he’s slower than he looks
  8. I enjoyed the game with Ajax young players eager to play well and impress the manager but it’s clear to see we will need an old hand in the middle to help gel and encourage the new signings a bit of experience in the middle never goes wrong .
  9. Any competition is worth winning
  10. It's only a friendly a wee get the mussels moving exercise
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