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Everything posted by reaper

  1. You will have to do better than that you can start by showing where I said that you said Green wasn't a good businessman,shall I wait, you can start by showing where I said that you said Green did nothing to save us, shall I wait, you appear to have difficulty in differentiating between questions and statements, maybe that is part of your over inflated ego. Most forums have mods who remain neutral so they can mod properly a few here have nailed their colours firmly to the mast on one side of the debate, not politically clever at all, have a nice day.
  2. But it was the doyen of corporate governance who convinced the City to invest,
  3. Such ingratitude from a real trumpet.
  4. Maybe you should understand the post before bumping your gums. Trousered is your expression I wouldn't be so crude as his actions like Charlies were quite legal.
  5. There are far more people taking out than putting in and fans are left to pick up the pieces, I will leave it at that.
  6. Professional football is a gravy train with more taking out than there are putting in, if fair play and finance rules were applied as they should not to many clubs if any would pass muster, is Cowdenbeath's owner paying the wages or part of any different to the financial doping of Man C Barc Real Madrid Monaco except on scale, the only mugs are us the fans who have had the peoples game stolen by manky agents greedy players and chairmen to frightened to challenge them all because of tv money calling the shots.
  7. Make of this what you will yes our wonderful legal system even if this one is English, never confuse the law with justice. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/eight-years-in-prison-but-barry-george-is-refused-compensation-8467485.html
  8. The meaning of life it would appear, I will leave you to it.
  9. Charles cementing his power base, wonder how long until he officially returns as opposed to pulling all the strings from afar.
  10. Sir davy for it is he is clearly listed as a beneficiary of our own EBT scheme administered by MIH, the bold fellow even demanded a police inquiry into the leaking of such sensitive and private information.
  11. No you really haven't at all.
  12. Are you seriously complaining about Charles being a good businessman and getting a big return for a relatively small investment in capital (every businessman's dream) but not input and creating a successful flotation, or perhaps you just don't think Charles done anything that still gave us a club to support or deserves any rewards for doing so.
  13. The fact that he has already been relieved of some 400 million rand by SA courts sort of leads me to conclude that he is as guilty as sin, how about you, you think he was robbed of his crooked gains ?
  14. Sir david can answer that one.
  15. Sir davy for it is he, took over six million out on an ebt.
  16. I admire your certainty on that, I will wait until criminal investigations are concluded, see who the net catches so to speak if anyone.
  17. "have owners who put in but get no return" your words not mine and yes I do disagree, there was a stushie about the gravy train the other day, said it all.
  18. That's why football is a busted flush and up to its eyes in debt from the EPL to La Liga kept afloat only by tv money, if Sky were to go tits up the shit would really hit and all those who you claim are putting money in but in reality are living on tv money and very well at that will land right in the shit.
  19. No it's not that simple if he trousered Rangers money that infers he stole it in common parlance, never mind your blue knights will be along God knows when and with whatever wheeze up their sleeves it won't be money, there again they may not be along as they won't be needed.
  20. What clubs would that be, not Real Madrid not Barca not Man u or the vast majority of the EPL or football in general. owners who put money in for no return are thinner on the ground than gnat's piss
  21. Not to strangely that is how business works, or would you rather they take a loss for their risk and the club suffers the consequences, share issue, there may not have been a share issue if Green hadn't put cash rather than rhetoric down, we all know who spouted the rhetoric but kept their hands firmly in their pockets.
  22. So who exactly is filling whose pockets, do you mean the owners or something less subtle, and Walter is sitting back while all this is happening, a nice drama with less substance than a Charlie racist slur, give me strength indeed.
  23. All it needs is for the chairman to take responsibility if any skulduggery is afoot and put it in the public domain, until then or until someone puts up and confirms bad people are doing bad things all can be taken as tickety boo. Someone anyone take responsibility and stop all the innuendo.
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