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Everything posted by ranger_syntax

  1. Such delinquency! Where does one learn that?
  2. I think I will have a great day out. I'm hoping for lots of Union Jacks, pyrotechnics and a trophy.
  3. Find it hard to imagine some Celtic fans going to watch this. If it is true though then I really hope that it was an unforgettable match for them.
  4. I've only just found time to get back in to it!
  5. When I am using the term slow, to describe Filip Helander, I am saying that I have witnessed enough opponents running faster than him to remark upon it. I'm obviously not using any apparatus to measure his speed so your query about precision is irrelevant. The only basis for saying that he is slow is what I have witnessed so far. Strictly speaking I should have used the term slower. I would quite happily say that he was 'sh***' if I thought that he was. Since he is slow I will just say that he is slow.
  6. Helander is slow.
  7. I think Goldson would beat Helander in a race. It seems that the manager thinks he is quick enough too.
  8. Anybody here still paying for a television licence?
  9. I'm not looking for an apology. I don't see any sense in name calling though. As an aside there are plenty of other places around the internet where Rangers supporters get called all kinds of names.
  10. Save the name calling for the opposition please.
  11. Got a ticket. :)
  12. How much contrition will our critics show?
  13. Not sure Helander is faster than Goldson. Not sure if Goldson is even slow at all.
  14. No point in thinking about any of this. Two wins coming up.
  15. Thank goodness for that. We shouldn't touch him with a long pole used to propel a barge and fend off obstacles. If he gets in then the B.B.C. and the Daily Record will know everything that happens inside the training ground.
  16. Neither Rangers nor Celtic need any help from the S.F.A. or S.P.F.L. The other teams can't compete at the moment. How do we expect them to compete if the fixtures get re-arranged to help Rangers and Celtic? As for the national team, I couldn't care less about them. If the fixtures change to help them then I will be most disappointed. I suspect Lennon is more concerned about having several first team players in the Scotland team.
  17. Morelos for me. Doubt (m)any would disagree.
  18. Quite a turnaround. I thought Porto were in complete control until we scored. After the goal it was never in doubt and that felt great.
  19. It will be good if we get a return on the investment.
  20. Why not take a little time to look into it before promoting someone's work?
  21. I'm happy to see Davis get a new contract. I'm undecided about McGregor. Although his contribution has been great I would like to see us bring through a younger goalkeeper. I would guess that his new contract is a sign that we don't have an alternative ready to come in yet.
  22. It would be very cowardly of them not to defend the club's colours.
  23. This is quite a surprise to me. Must be confident of bringing in a good replacement.
  24. Titter. Have you considered the possibility that you failed to direct your correspondence to the correct recipient?
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