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Everything posted by ranger_syntax

  1. Not sure what change would win 75% approval.
  2. It might be good. Many people out there will say so too. Nobody will say how any imagined benefit is to be measured. Even if someone did nobody would be held accountable if it failed.
  3. Nobody will present any clear metric for success. The whole thing is a distraction tactic. Scottish football fans will swallow it whole.
  4. I don't think that any attempted reconstruction will be valuable or even win approval. Budge, et al, may end up looking very foolish at the end of this.
  5. Does this mean you will not go back to Ibrox?
  6. Yeah and after all that time they are all still with us and paying the bills. When fans think about boycotts they are gripped by the idiotic fantasy that other clubs will come begging to us before bankruptcy. The truth is that the other clubs will cut their cloth to fit and you will all be handing your money over to the B.B.C. Chris Sutton and Andy Walker instead.
  7. It was not the clubs who lied about how the S.P.F.L. can distribute funds.
  8. Who will these clubs side with if we boycott them? I think I know.
  9. Every time someone mentions not going to away matches that person should let us know if he/she actually does go to them at the moment. This is before we even get in to the futility of trying to damage other teams by not going.
  10. I'm not sure if you've been keeping up with current affairs or not.
  11. I'm not holding my breath for U.E.F.A. to do anything of interest to us. I'm quite sure that seeds of change have been planted though. There are a few clubs that are going to be damaged by this and many others who can now see that they are being lied to. This is all before we even consider any possible legal action.
  12. Yeah, I think you are right. I'll demand a statement as soon as I stop sobbing and find the caps lock key.
  13. https://twitter.com/hobbes_ff/status/1250494508070035457
  14. Yeah, and it would be great if it wasn't the case but it is. You'll just need to accept that a fair selection of clubs and press now acknowledge what we have been saying for years. i.e. the S.P.F.L. board is corrupt. If things are ever to be different in future then this needed to happen first.
  15. "Though the straits be broad or narrow, follow we will."
  16. Don't hold your breath. It's very sad that Dundee have acted in this way and that club will suffer a fair amount of damage to its reputation.
  17. I urge you to get a grip. Everyone can see the spfl for what it is now.
  18. Sharing documents, by email, is stupid.
  19. Bit of a crap analogy. Surely you mean the SPFL.
  20. Fascinating to see that The Daily Mail mention Doncaster but omit McKenzie.
  21. I was thinking a bit about Dundee's part in this earlier. Imagine if Dundee buckle and change their vote from no to yes. The other clubs in their league would probably take a real dislike towards them.
  22. Surely can't continue for much longer. Getting rid of Doncaster and McKenzie is key. If McLennan were to depart then that would be a nice extra.
  23. Noted champion of impartial comment!
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