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Everything posted by ranger_syntax

  1. Best if O.P. tells us exactly what he is referring to.
  2. Can you provide a link to this please?
  3. I'm not sure how much progress has been made on that front. Only a few months ago I noticed one forum user making awful homophobic remarks. What do you think?
  4. Whereas others just want to create division between Rangers players and Rangers supporters.
  5. Lets ask the absent O.P. shall we?
  6. I hope you realise that, apart from the manager, the players are the most powerful people at the club. If the club was foolish enough to act contrary to the players wishes then it would not end well. What do you even mean by being 'forced into organisations'? I'm not sure who is refusing to engage with such a discussion. I am sure that Rangers should be left out of it.
  7. The club will be led by the players on this. So you can be sure that the club supports it. Realistically the club has no option either. That's why we can be certain that this thread was started with the very worst of intentions.
  8. It will go on for as long as the players want it to. I support the players if this is what they want to do. If anybody has a problem with Black Lives Matter then please leave Rangers out of it.
  9. That's what I thought. Couldn't believe it when I heard it. I can only imagine that he was so poor for us that Liverpool realised nobody would ever loan him again.
  10. I suppose you think we should stop having this completely pointless discussion every three months.
  11. Why can't our players avoid stupid red cards?
  12. Mark Dingwall probably wanted 'Rangers Town' and that was the end of it.
  13. I almost fell asleep when reading the list of options. It seems to have caused quite a stir in some quarters.
  14. The big bad Gers!
  15. I hope this thread lasts forever.
  16. I'm sorry to tell you that this is the last remaining binary.
  17. £300k was the figure circulated recently. Hardly silly money.
  18. Quite confusing. Does it need qualification or not?
  19. Footballers demonstrate dishonesty at every opportunity. Might be something to do with it.
  20. The supporters in the Broomloan stand put on a display at some point over the last few years. The display mentioned 'Glasgow Rangers'. A man nearby was explaining that it was a load of rubbish. He explained that there was no 'Glasgow' in our name. I was inclined to agree at the time. Apart from not being called 'Glasgow Rangers' I'm not sure that we have always played in Glasgow. I think I'm right to say that when we moved to Ibrox park that the site was outside Glasgow until Govan burgh became part of Glasgow. Even if that is correct it is probably a bit pedantic to point that out. I also noticed that quite a few of our songs mention 'Glasgow Rangers'. Which is correct?
  21. I happened to notice a thrilling debate kick off elsewhere. It is probably worth dedicating an entire thread to this great question.
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