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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. In what sense ? That goian and boca are expensive? He's a football manager, he wants the best team he can have on the park. Offers will have been made to these two, probably on reduced wages and we are waiting for an answer from them. Probably why no CBs lined up in the media.


    In the sense that we are playing essentially part time level football with our lowest ever turnovers in relative terms and he wants to bring back into the fold 3 players whose combined salary would be a quarter of the entire squads. It's all very well him wanting the best team on the park and he should have that but it has to be a team we can afford. We should not be jeopardising the clubs financial future just to massage a managers ego or to keep a manager excuse free. If Ally cannot work with what he already has at this level then as a club we have huge problems. We do not need any of those 3 and nor do i believe we can afford to keep them. Their wages are grotesque at this level. It also does not justify any gulf in quality between them and their opponents.

  2. I know he wasn't on the wind up as he is not that sort of guy tbh. Can't figure out what he was talking about?


    No idea mate but it should be on shortly, the club said the deal starts at the start of the 13/14 season but it doesn't say which date exactly. Looking at the team list there, we will be one of their biggest clubs and highest sellers.

  3. We had that before. He and some others from that side are being singled-out by (wasn't it a Panama chap?) the creator. But we do need a "hardman" in midfield anyway, someone who helps Macleod, Law, and Black to dominate the midfield. Something we failed to do consistently last season.


    That's 4 central midfielders mate, where will any width or attacking players fit in?

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