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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. But he didnt need to comment on it did he , its pathetic , we are getting as bad as the forever offended mob , weve had catholic managers , players and captains so fecking what , no comment , its not relevant ,. so what , he could have said a number of things ,to be brutally honest even what he said wasnt a big deal but why the need to say anything .....


    I think it is naive to think he wouldn't mention it given our clubs historical background and what we have been up giants ourselves. This guys background is from the stereotypical enemy of ours, i think he mentioned it to nip it in the bud and put any potentially growing nonsense to bed. Which he did, i think. No harm done, i don't think.

  2. Not everyone reads the catholicherald from 2010 , jesus wept and we call them obsessed


    I doubt any Rangers fan does, what i am saying is, the article was posted in a thread on RM last week. That is where i first read/saw/heard about any Catholic background. And from there, it kicked off. As you ssy above, it is pathetic. No doubt whoever posted the link knew what he was doing and got the desired effect.

  3. Maybe the Record is using Prior through his friend M Murray along with Jim Traynor possibly who is very very close to certain people at the Record! We know we had a mole and we had an idea who it may have been. Maybe it is that simple.

  4. It was BBC Scotland who put this on their 'gossip page' when news first broke of Mr Prior's interest in Rangers


    Kieran Prior, a 34-year-old Goldman Sachs trader, Manchester United fan from an Irish Catholic background and with one of the highest IQ levels in the world, claims to be on the brink of buying a stake in Rangers.


    Although very true, where did the BBC getting this info from and why did they feel the need to highlight it?




    My kids have a Scottish Presbyterian background but none of them are Baptised or go to Church.


    Kierans parents are Catholics from Ireland i believe, that is his background, this is what the Beeb were getting at whilst trolling every Rangers fan reading it. It is pathetic journalism and written to provoke a reaction.


    Prior himself has admitted he is not a man of God.

  5. I fear Mr Prior will now get tons of abuse from TGU. There seems to be a lot of suspicion from our fans about him partly because of the horrors we've suffered from everyone else with money who touches us. Those taking it further and seeing him as an enemy because of his RC background will presumably need Malcolm Murray to confirm that the guy has been friendly toward Rangers/interested in us in the past?


    Green and Whyte never had a pot to piss in mate.


    As for the RC bit, he has already said himself, he is NOT a man of God, not that it matters. In fact, in not being a man of God, i find it easier to trust him and put my faith in him!

  6. the person who made the remark about him making money by saving on trainers should be booted out of ibrox and off the internet this type of comment does our club and fans bot one bit of good lets leave these kind of comments to the other side of the divide .


    Who says it wasn't one of them?

  7. Thats not quite how it is SC.


    If Vanguard Bears deem any of my articles worthy of publication on their site then FF will pull any threads featuring that blog. As Ive said all along - and on here - any site can publish my material.


    What price unity eh ?


    Cheers D. Yeah i understand mate, this is a part of why i do not believe fan ownership would ever work at Rangers. We have far too many factions within our support and too many agendas all going their own separate way. It's sad really.

  8. I haven't seen a decent Puma kit yet for next season. They all look poor, cheap and very badly designed.


    Is that Dundee deal not with Genesis rather than officially Puma? Genesis i think are a side company who make cheap tacky kits and use the names and logos of bigger companies. *Like our deal with i think it was Diadora(?) and possibly originally Umbro a few years back too. Cheap rubbish. I remember David Murray talking about a smaller company making our kits and using the Diadora and Umbro branding on the shirts. Possibly why all our training wear has looked like it was made in a Spall sweat shop!


    Let's hope Charlie didn't sign us off to them!

  9. The notion that we have some sort of affiliation with Hertz is laughable to put it mildly. I've worked thro' in Edinburgh and the majority of their supporters hate us.


    C'mon now Rab, you may have worked in Edinburgh mate but there is no way you have met or would know what a majority of their support feel about us.

  10. the lower divisions in Scottish football have always been able to field trialists as far as I can remember.Don't see why anyone is getting upset about this.


    Tims thought with reconstruction and the news that we couldn't field trialists last week they had one up on us again and enjoyed another attack against Rangers, today they look stupid as the change is reversed and the original rule stands, they must be a little embarrassed.

  11. Lets all party when all of scottish football is destroyed.


    We can play Annan Athletic every week and go through 15 qualifiers for the CL if we ever win the league again


    There will only ever be 3 qualifiers at most for the Champions League and we will never again play Annan in a league match. I think maybe you were being slightly ott there. We won't lose Hearts but i understand why some fans are enjoying their current state.

  12. There must be a level that we can run at that sees us break even. Our squad should be sustainable as proportion to our income. Our running costs should actually have economies of scale meaning we should have an even better squad in proportion to our income.


    We may not be able to compete with Celtic in the lower leagues when they steal our tv money, have bigger sponsorship, higher ticket prices and have European income, but we should still be able to support the second best squad in the country without making a loss.


    I just don't get it.


    Oh we can, just not at the level it will be now. We could cut our wage bill by a few million and still have the second highest wage bill in the country.

  13. not a penny did we cost any club as long as any boycott was in force and kept in force i would like to see any boycott staying in place when we return until these parasites say sorry to the rangers and the rangers fans for the way we were treated .


    Rangers fans proved at Tannadice they will always go and support the team not matter what. Sure the gate was down but it was not really a proper boycott. I had no idea Rangers fans were boycotting SPL away grounds. When was this arranged and who agreed to it? If we were voted to stay in the SPL all the clubs would have been almost half a million pound richer by now. Possibly the difference between operating soundly and not.

  14. All we can do is to challenge the SPL and SFA about their behaviour last year, which could spell serious trouble for the SPL. How no journo asked about the open blackmail to transfer our membership, the transfer embargo et al ... is still beyond me.


    Why would they be concerned about questions and answers which would help us out? That is not their agenda!

  15. i would say we dont have any impact on any of the spl clubs as we are boycotting them so these clubs should have put measures into place to offset any losses .


    On average last season my guess is each SPL club lost just shy of £500k from us not being there last season. For these wee clubs, that is big bucks!

  16. I know it is overly cynical and probably ultra-sceptical, but reading somesuch and often last season (not least from the jhournos), words like these make you wary of people. One just hope the above is utterly unfounded.



    "now I can look inside the club and ask questions to which the fans deserve answers to.......I need to know what’s going on inside and wanted to buy enough equity to give me a voice. I’m in this for the long term.”


    This is exactly what he said and that above is what the jhournos have turned it into.

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