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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. "No matter how Charles Green attempts to dress it up, a newco equals a new club. When the CVA was thrown out Rangers as we know them died."

    Jim Traynor -http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/james-traynor-spl-will-not-be-able-1129166


    You needn`t expect Traynor to open his mouth anytime soon .



    Has he not since retracted that an said after he read more about it he was wrong?

  2. Being a shareholder or a football manager does not give you the right to see internal forecasts and cash flows.


    Thanks that's why i asked the question. I wasn't sure. I would like to think Ally had enough brains to know salaries were too high and that his was ridiculous? We all could and we are just daft fans on the outside. Surely not hard to work out.

  3. It's not his job to figure out or to question whether the club can afford the amount he's paid personally or player budget he's given.


    As a shareholder though, should he not have a responsibility to himself to know those sorts of things?

  4. And yet here we are with that man gone and our extremely well paid finance director Mr Stockbridge and new CEO still haven't tightened the purse strings it would seem as we've added another 6 players, 3 of which came from SPL clubs and like those who did likewise last season were probably given a reasonable salary bump in the process. Not to mention signing fees which again would no doubt be excessive.


    Yep, we never learn. It looks like the club are more than willing to continue our ethos of constant short term fixes and accept 3 or 4 years of financial losses in order to get back to the top asap. Of course in reality there is absolutely no need for such a plan when the same goal can be achieved for a fraction of the outlay. As i say, we never learn.


    All that money raised from an IPO and where has it went and where will the rest go? On bloomin' operating costs! So frustrating.

  5. And yet here we are with that man gone and our extremely well paid finance director Mr Stockbridge and new CEO still haven't tightened the purse strings it would seem as we've added another 6 players, 3 of which came from SPL clubs and like those who did likewise last season were probably given a reasonable salary bump in the process. Not to mention signing fees which again would no doubt be excessive.


    Yep, we never learn. It looks like the club are more than willing to continue our ethos of constant short term fixes and accept 3 or 4 years of financial losses in order to get back to the top asap. Of course in reality there is absolutely no need for such a plan when the same goal can be achieved for a fraction of the outlay. As i say, we never learn.


    All that money raised from an IPO and where has it went and where will the rest go? On bloomin' operating costs! So frustrating.

  6. Maybe we should chase the lot of them then. Why stop with the coaching staff though when our captain Jig and POTY Lee Wallace are probably on the same sort of money as the manager? Can we afford them? How about the man who calculated we could afford this who took home 500k last season?


    That is exactly what we should have done. Put the business first for a change.




    That man is a conman who we are well rid of and i am 100% certain he knew we could never afford these players, manager or their and his bonuses for that matter. He didn't care.

  7. Like I said Frankie, if contracts were honoured for staff who TUPE'd and taking this into account an excessive wage budget was calculated and provided for rebuilding the squad, then it's not Ally who's to blame.


    I believe that responsibility would land squarely at the feet of the four men who occupied the board room at the time and in particular the finance director who remains at the club.


    If you had Rangers best interests at heart and knew the state the club were in, could you go into work every day and then face tens of thousands of fans every match day whilst taking home money you knew the club cannot afford? I know i couldn't. No matter how much i love him as a Rangers legend and a boyhood hero of mine i personally think he has a brass neck and a cheek.


    Martin Bain gave Ally his contract i am sure? which at the time would have been normal for any Rangers manager but these days, this is not normal times. No one at our club right now should be taking home anything like that kind of money.

  8. Why when we have a superstore right beside an underground


    How many tourists go out of their way to visit that area miles outside the city centre? Even Glasgwegians, there will be people who simply cannot be bothered taking the tube away over to Ibrox to go to the megastore. It's about giving the consumer what they want and they want shopping made as easy and simple as possible.

  9. but how many are going through the upheaval that we are.....It may be due to the constant board level squabbling etc that there was a delay in approving the design.....


    Sometimes there are valid reasons for delays....


    Maybe mate but it sounds like just another excuse.

  10. And it could be the time scale from when design is agreed and contracts are signed to then planning a production slot at their chosen manufacturing plant.


    There always seems to be an excuse. Hundreds of other clubs changed manufacturers this year and many of them have their new kits on sale already. There is no dressing this shambles up. There is no excuse.

  11. There has to be a good mix and balance. During schoool days we wanted nothing else but to be playing football 3-4 nights a week plus on the weekend but we were still into the old Mega drives and nintendos also, just not to a level where it has hypnotised kids.


    I would say the government are also responsible as it is part of their agenda to dumb down kids and put them in a trance - easier to control. Some Adults are the same, they are not interested in anything else apart from what time Coronation St and Eastenders is on so what chance to kids have when the adults dont even think for themselves.


    Our problems are very straightforward. We are a nation of fat, lazy bastards with no intelligent coaching infrastructure or philosophy with regard to football.


    It is not just down to luck that Uruguay have far more decent footballers in their current first XI than we have produced in the last 15-20 years combined (with half the population). The kids there will all be out playing every day with coaches focusing them on pass and move football.


    I would imagine one or 2 of our players in the past 20 years have been born with the same tools as the likes of Cavani. Hopefully.


    A couple of good posts there. Well said lads.

  12. Agree completely dB...there is absolutely NO WAY Ally is taking £750,000 a year out the club, it's ridiculous - where does this rubbish come from?


    Sadly i think you may be wrong here mate. Both accounts attributed to Green and Ahmad on another forum gave details of staff salaries and other inside info not many, if any, other people could have known. Information which ultimately led to at least one of their departures.

  13. Well, according to my calendar, the next season is still more than a month away.


    Irrelevant in my opinion.


    We have been told by the club the kit will not be out until August. Not good enough in my opinion.


    Lindsay Herron ‏@rfc_lindsay 43s

    Had some questions/comments on kit. Reason home kit is not on sale til August is production time due to timing of Puma deal (1/2)


    Lindsay Herron ‏@rfc_lindsay 46s

    We will have shots of all three kits on site later next week (2/2)


    We will be losing all sorts of money right now.

  14. Aye Fathers Day has passed - a missed opportunity


    Fathers day, kids summer holidays, marching season, good weather, feeling of a new season beckoning....... It is very poor from the club.

  15. It may be the going rate for a Rangers manager but our turnover and income is not the going rate for a Rangers football club so all salaries should be in relevance and with that in mind, no one person should be earning almost £1m per year with us right now.


    As for UCFs post above, guys like McLeish, Advocaat and PLG were earning top dollar because the club was bringing in top dollar, i'd imagine our turnover this year is about a 1/4 of what it would normally be, maybe slightly more.


    We cannot afford players on £10k-£15k per week right now and we certainly cannot afford a manager on £750k per year. I fear the club is going to accept 3 or 4 huge annual losses until we get back to the top and i think that is wrong. We have learned nothing from previous regimes.

  16. Thanks SC, much appreciated.


    I readily admit that all those years ago I wasn't ready to have kids.... but the wife was desperate so I eventually gave in. However, once I had him it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. He and I are like best friends (I say to him pretty much every day "We will be best buddies forever right ?") and have so much in common.


    I completely agree with you about computers being a get out for many parents. Funny thing with us is..... the vast majority of the time that my kid DOES play console games.... he and I are playing together - we had a quick game on FIFA yesterday but we played together - I played first half and he played second half. And the last time he played the Wii he played Skylanders whilst cuddling into me.


    In fact, my wife goes away on a girls trip every year and I look forward to it, not to get rid of the wife but because the wee fella and I get to have "guy time" for 4 or 5 days.


    I also agree that it is sad that not enough parents work hard enough with their kids. I coach U10's and I have a couple of kids who are under-priviledged and I try my best to be a father figure or role model to them - one is overweight and when we have training I make a point of getting there early and running round the pitch with him just to get him more active and asking how he is doing at school etc. Another one his mother has asked me a few times to have words with him about his attitude at school so, again, I try to be involved in these kids lives as much as I can be, without stepping on toes.


    Kids.... they are our future.... and we need to nurture them !


    Rant over.


    I am exactly the same with my son Craig. Sometimes it is hard separating us being friends to me being his dad but he is growing to understand the difference and i am managing both aspects better too. It is such a joy. Now i have another wee boy to bring up as well with our youngest who is just 6 weeks old.


    Again, i know what you mean, if mine isn't asking me to play split screen with him on some RPG, it is Fifa, playing in the same team against Celtic or playing cup competitions together. He loves winning cups with his daddy!


    Strange you talk about guy time because even with my Mrs being here, my son has really become much closer to me than he ever was, he is a complete daddies boy where as for his first 5 or 6 years he was a mummies boy. He loves spending time with me just now. Last night he was in his room creating a fathers day poster for me and writing out my card, he came into the living room and said "daddy i have a couple of things for you in my room but you cannot see them until tmrw morning" I had honestly forgot about fathers day and this morning he was up before me and ran into our room with his poster, card and box of chocolates for me. He was so happy with himself. The poster was of him and i in the park playing football.


    That is great that you are trying to help kids out Craig. You sound like a really nice guy. Your wee boy is so lucky.

  17. If we are to blame Sony and Microsoft (and I am not saying we shouldn't) then surely we should be blaming the parents, for it is the parents that can curtail, or limit, young kids playing of Xbox or Playstation or Vita or Wii etc etc ?


    We have the Wii, PS3, Xbox, PSP and iPad in our house. My 8 yr old rarely plays any of them, unless given a "chill day" which only happens when he is burnt out from his other activities or ill - but even when he DOES get to play them he is given an allocation of time to play them - it isn't unlimited time.


    To be fair he is more of an active kid anyway - he trains with his footy team on a Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and has running club on a Tuesday and Thursday (yep, has running for an hour on Tues & Thurs and then goes straight to footy training for another 90 minute training session) - the only nights he gets off are Wednesday and Fridays - and even then he always asks to come to my footy on a Wednesday so he can "practice".


    My Mrs goes running with him and I take him to footy. We also hang out together on weekends too. I often think that Xbox or PS are a parents way of getting peace and quiet from their kids, which is why the kids play so often. But we hang out as a family very, very often. I may be wrong on this though.


    I have the same issues here in Bermuda if it is any consolation - we have a really nice artificial pitch and when I play indoor 5's it is EMPTY - in fact, often the only people who are on the pitch are me and my kid - he had me training him on it for 2 and a half hours a couple of Fridays ago - and the only reason I could get him to leave was because his team had a game the next day.....


    Absolutely. Parents must also take their share of the blame. I admire your dedication to your sons life and future, it is very impressive but sadly not nearly enough people work as hard as you, or even i do, to work with their kids properly. As you rightly point out, computers are a good get out for parents who can't be bothered spending time with their kids.

  18. Is Ally on £750,000 a year? That can't be right surely.


    I seen someone on twitter say it was in a prospectus or IPO document or something. You could add up every salary for every manager of every club in SFL1, 2 and 3 and their TOTAL wouldn't come near what Ally takes home himself. It's everything that is wrong with our club. Are the club getting value for money from that outlay? The same can be said for the money we are paying executives, directors and even players. We are losing money faster and sillier than we ever did under David Murray.

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