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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. "Someone Ally McCoist knows from his youth in East Kilbride"


    Let's not joke that it isn't jobs for the boys. Jimmy Sinclair syndrome. Whether it is a good appontment or not. He obviously deserves a chance. Best of luck to him. I hope he has the balls to get tore into the likes of Perry, Hutton and Cole!

  2. We could've/would've sold them pretty much straight away and not kept them for another year which is what you keep saying here. They all got clubs or offers pretty quickly to sort of back up what I trying to get at here. He and most of them were/are international players whether they were at a 4th tier club or not and we are not just any 4th tier club are we?


    There is a huge difference between could have and would have mate.


    A player like McGregor would have been sold in the pre-season last year which is PRIOR to us starting life in the 3rd division. He was still a SPL keeper at that point.


    Unless you are suggesting that players such as McGregor, Davis, Naismith et al would have struggled to get a transfer ? You and I both know that isn't the case. Naismith, for example, probably worth upwards of 5 million - during the close season last year we would have comfortably got 2 million for him even in our predicament. Same with Davis and McGregor


    We simply do not know. It's not like we were knocking back offers left, right and centre for them during the 3 years previosu when our whole squad was up for sale.


    Like your reply with regard of us ending up bankrupt if they had transferred?


    Both, Boca and Davis transferred over, one way or another, and we received 800k for Davis, unless I am mistaken. I reckon McGregor, Whittaker, Naismith et al would at least have make similar amounts.


    No, had we carried over a £30m wage bill we would have lasted only a matter of weeks. Did we ever get that Davis money? I thought the SFA stole it?

  3. This is what I was getting at. Some players acted in the best interest of the club. most didn't and I hope they are never seen around Ibrox again. I think Craig mentioned it on another post about Greegs' Turkish club getting nearly £2m only a year after he left us. He could've stayed with us and got another club easy as would most of the other players. We would not have been hard to deal with on transfer fees I'm sure. We lost out on Millions by them leaving.


    We would have just broken even if we had kept McGregor for another year(taking into consideration his huge contract and all his bonuses) and only got £2m for him. And who is to say anyone would have paid even £2m for a 4th tier goalie?

  4. Matter of fact, these players would all have done a Davis or Boca and we would have received quite a lot of money in transfer fees. There is no way that those traitors would have remained in the SFL3.


    Sorry, i don't know what that first bit means means. What is a Davis and Boca? And again, we don't know what would have happened transfer wise. It's all speculation and guess work.

  5. I'd say it's more to do with their age and probably form (or lack of it from Goian).


    I'm sure if Naismith and Whittaker and others moved over we would've got money for them no problem when they moved on.


    But like you said all the best to both of them.


    We already seen what size of loss we took in the first 7 months of trading under newco, can you imagine how huge that loss would have been had all those players tranfserred over and we hadn't been able to sell them? We would have been back in administration before anyone could say we are the people! It's all very well saying we would or could have sold them but nothing is guaranteed in football.


    On this topic, i am glad both are gone. Another two guys on silly money off our wage bill. We move on, they move on, all the best to them.

  6. Been posted elsewhere that as of this morning we were at over 24000 , with several thousand still to be processed , plus it was very busy at the ticket office with people handing in their renewals , just to remind every one that last year up till the 31st of August we had sold just over 35000 , bearing in mind that the start date was later on last year , we added 3000 later on


    Sounds like we could top last years which would be sensational. Exciting times ahead.

  7. If it's for the Family Section, then it may not be a certainty but I'm sure two seats together anywhere else should be straightforward enough.



    Thanks Frankie, no, i asked for Main Stand middle or Govan Stand middle, as close to front and middle of pitch as possible. My eye sight is terrible and my wee boy loves being near the front.

  8. A little bewildered at the heat the top is causing. Is it really that big a deal to anyone over 20?



    It must a huge cash generator for the club no matter what age it is catered for. I think it is a huge deal. I don't think it is right to play down the importance or significance of any clubs jersey/strip.

  9. Just in time, the schools finished up today Glasgow airport will be very busy this weekend - hope all the dad's have very deep pockets


    Strips not avail. till August, they are just teasing us with pics i think mate.

  10. i for one thinks that ally has to quickly find his best first team elleven and try barring injury to play that side every week i dont believe in rotation and players getting tierd they are supposed to be athletes get his best side and play it every week , bill shankly once said players that are winning never get tierd :yesrfc:


    Martin O'Neills Celtic team would disagree.




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