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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. Wow - but what does it actually mean other than a throw away comment based on zilch? Define Protestantism.


    Thats all it is mate, a throw away comment. I have no way of knowing for sure, it's just my opinion from people i know, churches i see empty every week and the general feeling i get from the country. Religion is dying, people are not so daft these days as to believe in some hocus pocus person in the sky.

  2. Christ! If Charles returns (and I hope he does) this place will explode.


    We have a club right now (and Gersnet for that matter) if it wasn't for Mr Green we'd all be out shopping on a Saturday with the wife instead of following our favourite team. The ONLY man who put up.


    If he wants to take lashings of dosh then that's ok, at least I have a team to follow.


    C'mon, that is just not true. The fans are who we need to thank, me, you, all of us.


    Can i ask, exactly wat investment did Charles Green make at Rangers? How much of his own money from his own bank account did he put into Rangers to help save us? If GS is to be believed he took out £2.5m, but what did he put in?

  3. 1.5 for his cut of the share issue. The rest in wages, expenses, bonuses and payoffs.


    Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


    I thought his salary was only £300k. £1m for a few months in the 3rd divsion and a slabbering of moonbeams is disgusting.

  4. green has done nothing illegal.


    but any right minded rangers fan would prefer the 2.5million he has taken out was still in the club.


    the fact i think green has taken millions out is a scandal shouldn't need much explaining.


    How is that £2.5m made up?

  5. There's more to Lumsden than that to be fair. He works (worked?) in further education so he has some formal qualification in teaching young people. My knowledge of him is limited but I wouldn't read too much into Albion Rovers being relegated, they are basically a Junior side in all but name, they were punching above their weight being in Div 2.


    Was told today Albion fans regularly wear Celtic strips and take tri-colours to Cliftonville to watch Albion. I hope we destroy them with a cricket score. The guy i work with is a Celtic fan and he and his pals are going to the game, he said the atmosphere is going to be like an Old Firm match.

  6. Dermot Desmond is a hundred times more bent than the Easdale's will ever be. I guess we'll know if we should be worried by the reaction of the Scottish hack pack in the next few weeks.


    Rangers fans should never judge anyone or anything from anything the Scottish media print or say.

  7. The problem is where to move them..you can't have away fans in a stand above or under where the home fans sit.


    And to allocate them top and bottom tier would create even more empty seats


    Why not? It happens at other grounds all over Europe. Away up in corners out the way of cameras, above or below home fans.

  8. That's our main working capital source though, so unless they are actually planning to put us out of business they can't touch much of that.


    We have around £7m left from the IPO too which we have pissed up against a wall with nothing to show for it, that won't last much longer either. The Rangers board have always been masters of making money disappear, why change the habit of a lifetime? The more things change, the more they stay the same.

  9. It wasn't a simple VAT fraud it involved charging VAT on stolen computer parts and he was convicted both of the VAT fraud and selling stolen computer parts,


    If we apply your logic to Al Capone then he wasn't a gangster either.


    What logic?

  10. You're putting words in my mouth there. It was pretty much being suggested we're on the brink as these guys all want to take so much money out, yet money is being given out to all these signings so just how much money is even there for them to take out?


    Yes what you say about Whyte is correct but it seems he was aiming for an administration scenario from the start in order to try and buy as back quickly, is that seriously likely to the case with any of the current lot?


    I don't believe all is rosy but I don't believe we're heading for armageddon either.


    Almost 40000 season ticket books worth of money? Surely over £10m.

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