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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. I'm not surprised, but definitely a little bit baffled by this news. I thought last season Argyriou was really affected by not getting a solid, long run of games. I also thought that while he looked very iffy at times, he also looked very good at others, so it was hard to make an informed decision as to whether or not he was "good enough".


    One thing I will say, is that I don't think Foster is much of a step up in quality if he even is a step up at all.


    Foster is a dreadful footballer but he has a Scottish hard working mentality which our club seem to demand and he also knows what is required or rather expected to play for us.

  2. By then he's 24. E.g., Lee Wallace is 25 now. Hutton missed his best chance to impress last season. Now he has competition from not obnl Macleod and Black, but also Law and Peralta.


    Why are the excuses dragged up for Ally not good enough for Hutton too? If anything, Huttons job was made even harder by some of the criticisms aimed at the manager.

  3. One player i wanted us to get rid of this summer but i believe he has been working hard and i believe he is feeling good after the hard work our lads have put in so far so i think he deserves one more chance, a clean slate as it were, like everyone else.

  4. You can a) easily run out of players, as we have seen last season, and b) we don't have millionaire passengers for quite some time.


    We've got 27 first teamers, of which we have loaned 1 (Naismith) and will probably loan at least one (Gallagher) more. I wouldn't be surprised at some permanent exits as well.

    Mitchell, Gasparotto, Macleod, Crawford, Aird, and McKay are all upcoming talents, but I reckon that no manager would have given them as extensive a run in the team as we did, unless he's forced to. Macleod, Mitchell, McKay and to an extent Aird and Crawford proved valuable assets for the team, but any manager would rely on more seasoned pros for an entire season. And better pros than we got last time around.


    A) We can only play 11 at a time. The squad this year is incomparable to last years. With a first team squad as you say, 27 strong, (I say it's 34) 2 out on loan, possibly and the manager desperate to sign another 4, that would leave us with 29 with your numbers(It would actually be 36). We also have numerous youths we can call upon to compete at the level we find ourselves. There is no chance we will run out of players.


    B) Have not or didn't have? We had them up until very recently, every year from the 1990's.


    Mitchell, MacLeod, Crawford, Aird and McKay maybe up and coming but they are now established first team squad members. Their only handicap is their age and lack of experience but that is something that every other team on the planet has to work with. That is football.


    You have brought up two managerial weaknesses. Why does one have to be forced into playing kids? Why would managers have to rely on more seasoned pros? Especially when the kids are doing the business, holding their own and showing up their older more mature team mates like ours have. Last season our kids put our experienced players to shame, some would argue seeing our kids last season was the most exciting part. The game is littered with players who all got a chance as kids and grabbed it whilst getting their game in the first team regularly.


    It's my opinion you are putting up a slightly weak argument for carrying a huge squad, an unnecessary squad and possibly even a squad we cannot afford. We are not playing in Europe and we are not playing in the EPL. We don't need the numbers we currently have never mind any more.

  5. Apparently Ally enjoys being in the position to have a large squad to pick from. But any coach will tell you having a 30+ player squad is difficult because people who don't play will get incontent sooner or later.


    Players get used to sitting about doing nothing, offering nothing and picking up wages for nothing. We have had players like that by the bucket load at Rangers for the last 20 odd years. Millionaire passengers. I thought Ally would have learned from all the obvious mistakes made in the last 2 decades.

  6. There would have been a good few SPL teams who'd have taken Jig in a flash.


    He wanted to stay with Rangers, whether that had to do with money or his love for the club we don't know for sure.


    Whatever it was he definitely made the right decision regards our stage one.


    Maybe in their dreams, yeah.

  7. I wouldn't say lifted, even before we started pre season i fully expected us to romp the league, win the Ramsdens Cup and, avoiding Celtic on route, make Hampden in both domestic Cups. Everything is in place, there are absolutely no excuses this year.

  8. This may be so. He still gave it 100 percent on and off the park. You could argue it's his job and expected of him, but others didn't quite dig in the way he did.


    That shouldn't mean he is singled out for God like praise though. As you say, he done his job, the job he is paid very well to do.

  9. Jig will always be a legend after last summer but I thought it was asking a bit much when he got a new contract taking him up to his 37th birthday in two years time. Does anyone genuinely believe he'll still be challenging for a first team place up til then ?


    What did he do last summer Rab?

  10. If I felt they were the best politician for my constituency then yes I would.


    But he is not there to do what is best for you and your people, his type are there to gain political power for his own people. If you compare how many Celtic supporting Catholics are currently in positions at government both in Scotland and England and compare it to Rangers supporting Protestants, there is a clear unbalance. Not that supporting a football club or being a certain religion is the defining aspect. It can be one or the other too. These people are not brought up to be normal, honest and fair minded, they are brought up to hate and stick together within themselves.


    And by the way, this sort of thing does not just apply to government, it applies to courts of law, the police, the media and the entertainment business too. These people have just about got a complete grip of this country. It is so one sided it is frightening. They managed it by claiming unfair treatment, they claimed oppression of their people and they claimed they were persecuted and where "sitting at the back of the bus" all the while they were employing within their own groups and rising up the ladders of every major sector in society. Of course their claims were just a smokescreen for exactly what was happening in reality. They are taking over and forcing us out.


    If Galloway had any sort of power he would have you and your people hanging from lamp posts. Giving these people too much power is very very dangerous.

  11. There ground holds 1200, if they met that on a weekly basis they'd make the news and be up the leagues. They will sell 458 tickets and we'll fill out the rest.


    Makes you wonder, if mhanks do purchase tickets, we should have set a boycott for all away matches for 3 years!!!


    Mhanks will be purchasing them, no doubt. They are obsessed with us. Paul McConville will be one lucky spectator.

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