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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. Yes, our ticket allocation is tiny for a game like this, but still considerably higher than the number who went to the Bristol game.


    I just feel we could have sold so many more and brought so much more money into the local economy and Sheff Wed itself.

  2. Essentially, all saying that they believe that Easdale owns 6%. So while certain people, who like to give Green and Co. a broadside if they can, throw the lies-accusations at Easdale, they base that accusation on people like Scrote (who is said to be Easdale's earpiece, of course), and throw that accusation at the director/club, rather than the "accurate" media?


    Obviously, the truth lies somewhere in the middle, but the tendency to accuse our folk of telling lies and being inept is a worrying development.


    0.55% though is not in the middle of 6% dB.

  3. Aird, McKay, Templeton ... are left wingers.

    Mitchell is like Foster and Cole and Argyirou a right back

    Shiels is an attacking (Central) midfielder, as is Crawford

    Clark is a striker


    Little is the only chap who, while loving to play as striker, as the quality to be and has long-played as a right winger / inside right.


    As I said before, we have quite a few "utility" players for nigh any position, but bar Little, we have no real right winger. And as far as I am concerned, I had enough of utility people for the forseeable future ...


    They are not left wingers, one is a winger and the other two are strikers come wingers. They are all right footed and can just as easily play on the right as the left.


    Mitchell has been played several times at right midfield for us and is an out and out midfielder.


    Shiels has also been played out wide for us and at times for Kilmarnock and is more than capable of playing on either flank for us.


    Clark, again, is an attacking midfielder come striker. A right sided player who like Little could and will be played right midfield at times no problem.


    Little, is a striker. His best position, his strongest position and the position where he brings most to the team. The lad himself will also tell you he is a striker.

    Little is anything but a right midfielder or winger.


    We have plenty options for right wing, plenty. 4 or 5 better options than Little in fact.


    You better get used to utitlity players because Ally has filled our squad with them and that is the type of player he loves.

  4. I don't think it is unreasonable to expect us to have sold tens of thousands of strips by now, at on average £40 a pop. And that is just for one strip and one top. We have hundreds of different items with the most sought after being the last available(the kits). It simply isn't good enough.

  5. We were pretty poor last night, only really Moshni catching the eye (again!!).


    What was the script with blooming Smith and Crawford wide? That is the sort of thing that annoys me about the gaffer.

  6. Celtic ? you've obviously not read PZ & J's financial analysis of Celtic in Bill McMurdo's blog. A very interesting read. Looks like they called us financial cheats to divert the spotlight away from themselves.


    I meant more about their huge financial muscle over us. No one can deny there is a gulf there. May i ask why are the media not all over these revelations from PZ&J like they were with us? Is it all really a conspiracy or is it just wishful thinking on our part? Where are the facts to back their claims up? Why are the media not being bombarded with the facts?


    Btw, i do not want to get away from my opinion that we do not need to move from Scotland, that was my original point and i stand by that, staunchly. We do our job right and we can be very successful, on and off the park.

  7. As WS said there's no money in Scottish football. It's commercial madness for Rangers to be there where we're subsidising teams many of whom should be in semi-professional or amateur leagues. The OP highlights the issues we'll continue to come up against. An escape route to a stronger, better financed league would solve a lot of those issues.


    Celtic have proved there is plenty money if you do your job right. That is what we have not done. We went on a run to the Uefa Cup final and posted our highest ever turnover yet the debt we were carrying increased at the same time. Our business model has been pathetic for so many years our fans have been brainwashed into thinking the only way to fix it is to leave the country. Scotland is not our problem, we are our problem. We have to show that we can look after ourselves before we should even think about moving elsewhere and right now we are miles off that. The best way to solve the obvious issues of being located in the Scottish game is to box clever, do better and work harder. We have had it far too easy for far too long.

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