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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. There are famous Rangers-supporting people in politics, the media & entertainment. They seem somewhat reluctant to be seen as Rangers supporters for some reason. Again does it come back to the 'toxic brand' stuff ? However life is about choices. I choose not to vote for Celtic-supporting politicians at all levels, will not support Celtic-supporting sportspeople in other sports and will not purchase anything released by Celtic-supporters in the entertainment industry.

    Petty? maybe but that's how they have worked for years. I strongly believe unless all of us rise to this challenge we will become a sort of 'second class' majority in this country. A very dangerous scenario indeed.


    It's too late for that. That is exactly what we are.

  2. They will vote for their own in any political party they think will win power. They historically all voted for the Scottish Unionist Labour Party(due to their dominance in Scotland) despite all being rabid Irish nationalists every saturday afternoon at 3pm onwards. A very strange mix I'd have thought: Scottish unionist/Irish nationalist.

    The truth is there's no political party for non-catholic unionists in Scotland. The labour party is over-run by them, the Tories are for the toffs & the Lib-dems are, well, just the Lib-dems.

    Also they are bold and do not hide their Sellik allegiance whereas Rangers people in politics/media seem reluctant to reveal theirs. I find this extremely worrying. It seems to me to be an attempt to make Rangers to be some sort of 'toxic brand' .

    I could go on and on about their 'club for all' nonsense but I won't.....................


    That is exactly what is happening. Where are our Rangers supporting celebrities these days? Where are our Billy Connollys, Subos, Rod Stewarts, Gerard Butlers, James McAvoys, Jim Murphys, Roseanne Cunninghams, Trish Godmans, Des Brownes, George Galloways, John Reids, Tommy Sheridans, Eddie Jordans, Paul McGinleys, Sam Torrances, Johnny Marrs, Dario Franchettis, -Michelle Mones ? I could go on and on.....Where are they? Talk about equal opportunities! Am i to believe this demograph is so much better and superior to non-catholic non-Celtic supporting people? It is so one sided they don't even bother hiding it these days. The same list could be made up about the media and the employment policy within it.

  3. Them & their people(who represent less than 20% of the scottish population) are seriously over-represented throughout the country but especially in the political,media & legal professions. When minorities start to get too much power the consequences are nearly always the same. Let's hope it doesn't get to that but I'm not hopeful.


    Not these days mate. My guess it is much more. There are too many of them in far too many positions of power to be such a small minority. They are calling the shots at just about everything.

  4. Celtic's whole existence nowadays is predominately based on appealing to the population of an Irish catholic background that their ancestors have been dealt a past injustice and Celtic provides the stage for them to show their condemnation of those they believe were responsible for that injustice and the alleged prejudice they get in their daily lives.

    Even Reid not so long ago talked of them not willing to sit at the back of the bus any longer. Desperate, desperate stuff because the world has moved on & Celtic haven't. Decent people of all backgrounds wouldn't touch this club & its support with a bargepole as is often witnessed by what happened yesterday at Brentford by way of their supporters. It is there for all to see but almost always covered up by their placemen(& women) in the political and media professions. How long can this continue unchallenged I ask? And at what price?


    Since that comment, that day, i have noticed a huge difference in how things get done in this country. It's as if it was a warning with pre planned actions and also consequences for anyone speaking out against Celtic and their people. Reid knew exactly what he was saying, doing and what would happen. To think this man as been at the top of British Government makes it even worse. The power they hold within their club and people far outweighs anything we could ever muster up.

  5. Websites are all we have to go by really as well as who we know personally, i'm certainly not able to go around the country and the world doing a survey with all the Rangers support.


    If you don't know something then say so, not you but anyone, don't try and justify any standpoint by using online forums as evidence. Not knowing is fine. We can't all know everything. Online forums are populated by all kinds of people with all sorts of agendas especially the one you mentioned. It is the last place i would go for anything to do with Rangers.

  6. Not happy everyone seems to be forgetting or deliberately ignoring the other centre half we have who has also played through our clean sheets. Also a special mention for the keeper too. Our two unsung heros of pre season.

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