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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. No more shameful results. No more surrenders. More entertaining football. Leagues is already won, Ramsdens should be a doddle and avoiding Celtic en route i expect two trips to Hampden for a couple of finals too in the bigger domestic cups. There are absolutely no excuses this season.

  2. Barcelona's unique Catalonian identity doesnt appear to do them any harm


    But that isn't the brand they are selling to the world, their style of football is the key selling point to global fans. I doubt most of the glory hunters in the U.S, South Amercia or China know anything about Catalonia. When the world speak of Rangers, we are actually called "The Protestants" in some countries and our heritage is known the world over, it's now become who we are.

  3. They were only 4 wins away from Celtic last season. If they can improve against others teams rather than drawing games then they could challenge. Celtic are a poor side, before Christmas they were losing games at home regularly.


    Motherwell have lost Scottish footballs best striker and one of the best goalkeepers too. Two key positions which i am not sure if they have replaced.

  4. Well, a single goal in 6 games so far this year is barely a trickle, far less a haemorrhage.


    True though we won't be playing the Broras, Elgins or Guterslohs next season. Some tasty teams in that 2nd division all hungry for a piece of the Rangers!

  5. Fair comment re goals for (so far). A completely new striking partnership is always going to take a while to really click.


    I'm pretty happy about the progress in defence though.


    What progress? We started this evenings match with the same shite which haemorrhaged goals for fun last season and a reserve keeper who has next to no first team game time. What progress has been made?

  6. Found out? We lost one goal tonight away from home against an English Championship side. We've also recruited two fullbacks and a goalkeeper who are more than adequate for the third tier of Scottish football. At least one centre half will follow, but until then, it's hardly a surprise to see Jig getting game time in that position.


    Yeah found out. Lack of goals and exposed at a set piece just like last season. Your description of the defeat just sounds like excuses, we had enough of those last season. There is absolutely nothing wrong with looking in the mirror at ourselves and seeing our own faults. Those players were not signed and are not paid very well just to be adequate for the 3rd tier of Scottish football. Of course it is a surprise, although maybe it shouldn't be, i thought we had learned from last seasons nonsense, we have plenty defensive options we could have played there instead of him. Wallace, Faure, Gasparotto, Hegarty and McAusland. There's 5, 4 of whom are actually centre backs and one who has played there before in his career and is a defender.


    That said, i will not get too downbeat, it was only a friendly match but a match nonetheless which showed up some old faults which have still not been fixed with the first competitive match only days away.

  7. Not sure what to make of this. Quite annoyed we are now at the competitive matches and have done nothing to improve the defence. Our first proper test of pre season and we are found out. Still shoe horning McCulloch into the backline is a joke to be honest.

  8. £6m for Ki

    £12m for Wanyama

    £5m for Hooper

    £20m for European run


    and Lennon gets a packet of crisps and a snowball to operate in the transfer market. Are Celtic hiding something the media are refusing to discuss?

  9. Real Madrid were paid £750k to play Bournemouth the other night. Celtic were given £1m for participating in matches in America a few years back as well. With our huge support i am surprised we don't get more invitations, especially closer to home.

  10. Pity a deal couldn't have been agreed with Alexander to stay on.


    Is Gordon still training with the club?


    I doubt we could afford nor should we pay whatever it would have cost to keep Alexander, just to sit on a bench.


    Gordon went to Spain last week for injections on his injury and declared this his last chance, we have heard nothing since. Best of luck to the boy.

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