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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. He would still be inundated with offers from TV, so it isn't like he desperately needs to cling to the job as no others would be available to him !!


    I am not so sure now he has managed Rangers. O'Neill and Strachan seem to get a lot more work than the likes of McLeish and Smith.

  2. I don't see anything to suggest so?


    Our £7m wage bill up against our nearest and biggest rival on about £100k per annum?


    We will win that but it won't mean Ally is some sort of football manager, he has a huge and i mean huge advantage over every one of his rivals.

  3. Where did all our dross come from and why are they still here, some just being given contracts/new contracts recently? It's an appalling situation but one Mather should be commended for not bowing to McCoists wish for wild spending.

  4. The point is...their own ground is capable of holding 6000 fans. The Council have said only 3000 tickets will be made available. It's not like they are simply looking to move to a larger venue, they simply want to fill their own ground!!!


    True i guess.

  5. From my understanding of the article, they don't want to switch venues since their own ground is big enough....it's the council that are being eejits and slashing the available capacity, even though the Police etc are happy.


    True but not content with such advice they will look at switching if the decision is not over turned. ££££££.

  6. Miller had had his chance - TWICE.....and TWICE he has turned his back on the club, most likely in pursuit of more cash. He's now nearing the end of his career & looking for a club that will still pay him a good wage.


    In fairness, Miller has the better strike ratio (according to Wikipedia)


    Miller (Rangers):

    scored in 51% of games played

    Average of a goal every 1.94 games


    Miller (Career):

    Scored in 34% of games

    Average of a goal every 2.94 games


    Novo (Rangers):

    Scored in 26% of games played

    Average of a goal every 3.8 games


    Novo (career):

    Scored in 30.67 games played

    Averaged of a goal every 3.25 games


    I'd still take Novo before Miller.....


    He didn't turn his back on us twice mate and he has a club just now, he has just signed a new deal with Vancouver. The first time he left he was not ready and had to leave for his own career. We, as a club, were on a different planet back then. Second time we wanted to cut his salary so much so that no one would have accepted it not even our very own CEO at the time who told Kenny he wouldn't accept the offer either. We actually treated him very poorly. Kenny has done more in his career than Nacho will ever, or has, ever done.


    You even go onto prove Kenny is a better striker with facts yet would still take Nacho, that's strange in my opinion.

  7. I think the main thing that separates Miller & Novo is passion.


    Novo always gave 100%, and would terrorise defences all match long. Miller tended to do a lot of running about but was never as much of a pain in the ar*e for the opposition as Novo was. Also, Novo clearly loves the club - when was the last time Miller attended a match as a fan???


    I would love to see McCoist bring Nacho back on a player/coach type contract - I think he could have a massively positive influence on the squad.


    Very unfair on Miller. He always gave 100% and was a pain in the arse to opposition players. Also Kenny is currently good enough to play for other clubs which will undoubtedly limit any chance he would have to visit Scotland never mind goto our games unlike Novo. Nacho is acting like a hanger on, desperate to force a move through sentiment rather than doing well for another club and be head hunted by us. If it is a choice between the two, it is a no brainer. Kenny all day long.

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