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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. Players werent getting paid under Whyte ?


    He WAS paying bills.... just not the tax man, plus some other smaller creditors.


    We also didnt find out he wasnt paying that until months too late..... how do we know that the club is paying its bills just now ?


    Rapid almost had us reported to Uefa for not paying them on time and Matt McKays club had to chase us for money after we tried to avoid them too. Then there is all the little creditors who were left out of pocket because Whyte refused to pay them. And of course the tax money we didn't pay.

  2. We were doing all of that under Craig Whyte too, was the club stable then ? No.


    It would be incredibly remiss of us to just assume the club is stable.


    We were not paying bills.


    Why would it be remiss to assume the club is stable? Why does everything have to be a problem, shady or wrong? Would people be upset if we are genuinely healthy and doing well?

  3. When Green & Co have raped and pillaged the club of any funds we have and we have no means to advance the club on or off the field then that, too, is part of the football club.


    Whether we like it or not, the game has evolved to the point of being a business. Gone are the days of just supporting the club and not caring about what happens behind the scenes - the last 18 months should have taught us that much and more.


    If Green and his ilk leave a crumbled infrastructure but no money then what will ANY manager be able to do ? Very little.


    It is your prerogative to see the removal of our manager as the number 1 priority but I personally think that it takes a backseat to the stability of the club, the creation of a proper infrastructure, the security of club funds etc - all of those are more important than removing Ally as manager to me.


    Without the former items being taken care of any manager will struggle, especially when we would be expected to compete with Celtic when we get back to the SPL.


    I agree with most of that but would like to know in what way our club is not stable. We are paying bills, we are signing players, teams are being picked, matches are being played.


    Right now, the SPL is years away and competing with Celtic is light years away, especially under this management team. The football team needs fixed rightnow, the infighting amongst the board members is hard to comment on as we don't know the exact in and outs. I don't even think it is something we can influence sadly.

  4. And who removes the incompetent Board ?


    Sometimes the blinkers need to be removed to see the bigger picture.


    I don't wear blinkers. My priority is the football club, the football side of things and the top guy there is the manager, of which, ours is incompetent and needs removed.


    When did fans get so knowledgeable and so involved with the company side of supporting their football clubs?

  5. On a sidenote, Werder Bremen got kicked out of the first round of the German Cup (yep, before the season started). It was the third time in a row. And there is only that one cup.


    Werder Bremen are not Rangers and have been in decline for a few years now. Pointless comparison. Also to compare the lower league clubs in the worlds strongest footballing country to that of the lower leagues in Scotland is ridiculous.




    I fail to see how anyone can compare Forfar Athletic to FC Saarbrucken!

  6. Disgusting stuff from Ally. The words of a man out of his depth and completely lost. God knows how far back he has took us over the last few years, i dread to think.


    If these players are not good enough then why are we paying them so much in wages? Why are we paying mediocre players so much money to play for our club? Why should we have to pay players more than other clubs to play for us? They were happy with £500 pw with provincial clubs, why then do we need to pay them a few thousand per week and then moan they are not good enough when they get found out?

  7. Stuart McCall


    Do you think he could win a mental, technical and tactical battle with Neil Lennon under the pressure of an old firm tie? It's all very well getting one over them on one off occasions but the big one.......

  8. Calderwood sounds good from statistics, but you won't convince me he should replace Ally. No chance. Just as with prospective players, stats aren't everything when it comes to prospective managers.


    How good would it be though to have a real Orange manager?

  9. I think Liewell would get rid of Lennon without hesitation should the need arise. There would not be the 'fan backlash' that people think there would be if McCoist got bumped. Who does Ally play up to? The 'young team' in the corner who average 18 years old if they are lucky (and that is not to slag the boys off). These young guys have never really known many true legends in their time supporting the Club, which is why McCoist to them is God. Ally knows with their vocal backing it makes his position a wee bit stronger. The mainstream [older] punters have seen many 'legends' go and still watch the Club survive.

    Ours is a 'tired' Club at the moment. We should be rising from the ashes looking vibrant and hungry. I'm watching McCoist, Durrant, McDowall and I feel worn out just looking at them. Rangers Football Club needs fresh blood from top to bottom.

    Can anyone on here say what formation our team plays, what our football philosophy is? Ally told us "give me a close season" to get that team ethos sorted. I'm sorry but your time is up as far as I'm concerned. And the fact that neither you nor your other two cohorts could be arsed to represent this great Club in the way it should be speaks volumes to me. Show me any club around Europe where all of their lead staff look like they've been on an over-eating and over-drinking bender for about 3 months.

    Cracking reply.

  10. In the 5 years before Calderwood took over aberdeen and in the five years since he left aberdeen, they manged one (1) top 4 finish. In the 5 years he was manager, they finished in the top 4 on four occasions.


    No better than Ally?


    Exactly. It's a non contest. He also took a mediocre Dunfermline side to a national cup final and managed a Ramsdens Cup win with a small Highland club. He has also wont he SPL manager of the month award on 5 occassions, how many has Ally won?


    When you compare the budgets and resources both men have had to work with, it's a no brainer who is the better manager.

  11. Calderwood comes across as a dinosaur, but if you listen to him, he's anything but.


    He actually talks a very good game. Having spent 20 years in Holland, he has obviously picked up things Ally could never have.


    Jimmy Calderwood is no better a manager than Ally and he's been doing it for 20 times longer!


    I disagree. Jimmy proved at more than one club he is actually not a bad manager, unlike Ally. He has done things as a manager Ally could only dream of and with a fraction of any budget Ally has ever had. Jimmy is a man who has learned his trade properly and done took the manager road the hard way picking up experiences Ally will never get.

  12. The thing is, when the new 8 are introduced we will walk the league, does that mean he is a good manager? No it doesn't. A man who needs to outspend his opponents so much just to win against them is not a good football manager. We will be found out at a higher level, no doubt. The new 8 will merely paper over the cracks we have at Rangers, it won't be doing us any favours long term.

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