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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. Noticed from piccies in the paper that Ceptic didn't have Magners as their shirt sponsor - it was Tipperary Mineral water. Anyone know why???


    Are alcohol advertising not banned in Europe? I am sure we had to wear Centre Parcs one year and had to leave it off completely another.

  2. A company in the business of providing a successful football team first and foremost. If other costs are the issue then they're the one's which should be cut.


    The costs which are the issue are the playing staff and managerial salaries. They are astronomical for the targets we have set and the level we currently find ourselves. So i ask again, why is the manager being given so much to work with when we have had to dig into an IPO fund to cover operating costs? And before anyone starts the Ally bashing crap, this is not a dig at Ally.


    What other costs would you say are the issue in your opinion? We can;t stop paying for our gas, electricity, key staff wages.....where do we cut? The biggest ones to cut that would make a difference to overheads and affect the business the least are on the playing side. We could cut playing costs hugely and still meet our targets but we have chose not to, why? We don't need a squad touching 30 men, many of whom will earn thousands per week for simply sitting in a stand watching games instead of contributing.

  3. To be fair I didn't see this as Ally bashing, I saw it as the point that I think SC met - Ally got a budget and has spent this summer - so if there is danger of admin again then why spend?


    Its an emotional time again to be a Bear so there will be reactions from all angles. I personally think John Brown needs to keep quiet....I don't understand how its ok for one side of the fence to be so vocal but not the other.


    Exactly, as i said to Ian, it wasn't supposed to come across as that. I certainly didn't mean it but i feel my point stands and i still haven't had any answers.

  4. Don't keep us in suspense ...........

    likes of :

    Gasparotto (17)? What has he had? Like 10 seconds or something.

    Aird (18)? Mediocre.

    MacLeod (19)? The one.

    McAusland (20)? Mediocre and loaned out.

    Hegarty (20)? Dreadful.

    Crawford (20)? Mediocre.


    ....or do you mean the real old-timers like

    Mitchell (21)? Dreadful

    Faure (22)? Embarrassing

    Hutton (22)? Imposter

    Little (24)? Imposter

    Templeton (24)? Playing within himself, average at best

    Wallace (26)?Playing within himself, no better or more consistant than he was with Hearts


    Your point caller? Mines is clear.


    Who knows more about managing Rangers? You, or Walter?


    You do him a disservice as a man, if you think a friendship would cloud his judgement on this. I'll judge Ally when he gets the chance to concentrate on football matters, and a proper budget. Much the same as what Walter said.


    I'm no Ally fanboi, but he doesn't deserve to lose his job, not yet.


    That question means absolutely nothing nor would the answer tell us anything interesting.


    We are not talking about taking sides from one person to another. It's a human being or a football club. Walter Smith the man would absolutely 100% put his friendship with McCoist before our club, no doubt about it. Perhaps you do him a disservice.


    Ally absolutely deserves to lose his job. How many more chances do we give him to mess up? How many more humiliations? How many more cup exits? His time is well and truly up.

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