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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. Hate to agree but it's true. We've lost a lot more than we've gained with transfers over recent years. We're not seen as a stepping stone to better things. More like an easy meal ticket. Sadly most the current squad will probably have this view as well.


    We really should be making millions on the likes of Tempelton, Law, Bell and Wallace. They are proper assets.

  2. As I've always maintained whenever Media House were being criticised they are one of the best PR companies in the country, very well connected and professional. To judge how well a PR company do you must first see their brief and what they've been tasked with. The directors set the strategy and they execute it, ask the directors what they wanted them to do.


    They wanted us ripped to shreds every day in just about every paper and radio station?

  3. I think Jim McColl's desire to stay out of the spotlight is about to be tested. Irvine can arrange some serious tabloid scrutiny of his life and family which he might not enjoy.

    I can see a constructive dismissal case from Traynor soon too.


    Why was he not defending us from the mhedia whilst we were paying him for the last few years then?

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