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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. I am now literally speechless, that's staggering.


    It's absolutely disgusting mate but indicative of the world game as a whole. Josh McEachran has hardly kicked a ball for Chelsea, a nobody in the game, potential only, he takes home £40k per week. How can that lad ever be hungry to risk injury or give 100%? He is made for life before he has even made it in his profession. There was a Brazilian playing in China who was one of if not the highest paid player in the world at one point, he hasn't even earned a national cap for his country yet. Back to our own club, we were paying guys more than £10k per week to play in a part time league against part time players whos only wage is their expenses. Money has completely ruined the game these days.

  2. I am sure, yes. Compared with Smith's squads during 9 in a row and all of Advocaats.


    I guarantee you our wage bill in 08 was much bigger than anything Smith had in the 90's. Football has moved on so much financially since then. Kyle Lafferty earned more than Paul Gascoigne at Rangers ffs. Advocaats squads at their peak i give you but what was that? Two, possibly three years of higher wages than 08. Walter Smith in his second stint was allowed to spend huge resources on his squad. It was massive and had several large fees for players too, even in our darkest hours.

  3. We reached a UEFA Cup Final with a squad that cost a fraction of squads in previous seasons that didn't do anything of note in Europe


    Are you sure about that? Our costs that year were so much that we posted the highest turnover in our history and our debt still increased, reason given was higher wage costs. Our captain had also negotiated our clubs highest ever bonuses and we carried a squad which was as big as anything we have ever had.

  4. Iwill tell you why i asked this question last week my wife and i bought two new away kits one for a seven year old and the other his brother wee half pint 19 months in the sports direct shop at Braehead now my wife was a buyer with marks and spencer for over thirty years and says she knows quality from lesser garments and her verdict was that the nike and adidas was well in front of puma in terms of quality,


    To be fair mate, we don't need an experienced quality shopper to tell us that. :)

  5. It has been confirmed that it is direct with Puma, do you honestly thing a customer base the size of ours would be sold to a third party?!


    In regards to quality we will have to agree to disagree as it is my opinion that Puma are a top brand with a great selection of leisure wear.


    Yes, our club has been run like a pub team for the last 15 years, what has changed?


    I don't mind agreeing to disagreeing, it's all about opinions at the end of the day.

  6. bought two kids strips last weekend (9-10 and an 11-12) and the prices have hardly changed since last season. Also we've had this quality discussion in regards to previous providers and I honestly can't see that much variation.


    personally don't like the bit inside the collar, at the front, but the quality isn't that different to recent productions.


    That's because Umbro is just as bad Mike. On the kids pricing thing. It depends what age your kid is. It's £58 for a 7 year olds full kit, i got my son the new Barcelona full kits for £30 each in JD. 2 of them for one Rangers kit.

  7. WGS, please. Puma are not in the same league as the top 2. Statistically or quality wise.


    Puma and quality in the same sentence is funny. Has it even been confirmed yet if it is officially Puma and not this Genesis name that was kicking around in the summer. Have i missed our logo on this page? http://www.puma.com/football/teams#club-teams


    The strips are honking, the tracksuits are like something from a Spall catalogue and prices for kids kits(age7-8, almost £60) are ridiculous too.


    A deal to suit Green and Ashley.

  8. McClelland, while chairman, told the AGM that the directors would not let the club's debt go above a certain level (£40m IIRC). It was over that level within 12 months. He lied, he was weak and didn't see the need to resign. I'd rather not have him as chairman again.


    I wasn't championing him for chairman.

  9. If you're not already convinced that Mather needs to go along with the rest of the SpivCo puppets on our board, then it's definitely worth a read.


    Oh i am already convinced alright, i never trust a man with greasy hair.

  10. McClelland is no fool and neither is Paul Murray or Dave King, none of them should be tarred with the same brush as David Murray. They deserve their own chances on their own merits.

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