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Super Cooper

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Posts posted by Super Cooper

  1. Even the top partnerships will make 1 or 2 errors but there has been a few near perfects in football.


    Adams and Bould.

    Campbell and Toure (invincibles) .

    Bruce and Pallister.

    Ferdinand and Vidic (2 seasons ago).

    Terry and Carvalho.

    Miller and McLeish.

    Nesta and Maldini.



    Its a shame Moore didn't play next to Gough.


    Weir and Cuellar :D

  2. It'll become more difficult as we move up through the leagues obviously, but surely that gives us the perfect opportunity to develop a strong centre-back partnership between the likes of Faure & Mohsni? That's ideally what I'd like to see Ally doing, but as stewarty says, unless Jig or Daly are out injured, it might be unlikely to happen.


    Yes, absolutely though planning and making things easier for himself is not really our managers forte.

  3. I was given 3 leaflets before i was anywhere near the ground, once at garage up from Broomie, once on way down to WRC and there were hundreds inside the WRC. If their facts on the back are spot on then that is frightening.

  4. Now we're not signing either zaliukas or pandza how about going back & getting the young Left midfielder Sam kelly who was on trial & supposedly impressed last month. Our lack of natural left sided midfielders was again apparent last sunday with Steven Smith playing there. Give Kelly a contract until the end of the season. If he fails to get into the first team by then release him.


    Great shout, everyone knows the funds are there so we can only assume if we don't go back for Kelly then Ally wasn't really that impressed.

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