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  1. He may well be ratified by the support in the near future, but I can't really see a reason why we couldn't have waited for it. In the grand scheme of things, getting a rep on the board must be quite low on our list of priorities. It seems to have caused a wholly unnecessary division/distraction among the support. Fan ownership/representation will be a long slow process, that if conducted hastily, could kill it before it's even began. On the point of the 'witch hunt', I was actually referring to the internal witch hunt by sections of our own support. I don't see this particular case as being media led. Whether we like it or not, good PR is vital for modern football clubs, and for that reason, an ongoing war with any media outlets can only result in one loser, us. The best way to fight any bad publicity, is to have a proper standards, and consequences for anyone that falls below them . King has said as much himself in recent days.
  2. The rush to appoint a 'fans rep' on the board was ill-advised, and the choice has rattled a fair percentage of our support. As far as I was concerned, we had fan representation on the board already, in the shape of King, Murray, and Gilligan. Anyone that took even a passing interest in the online Rangers pantomine, knew that Chris was a fairly controversial character. It's easy to blame a biased media and adopt a siege mentality, but at the end of the day, the facts they have reported are accurate. The images tweeted are deeply offensive to a great many Muslims, and non-Muslims alike. Chris's only 'crime' may be jumping on a media bandwagon that erupted after the Paris incidents, but if you want to play that game, you can hardly bleat when the same media turns round and bites you on the arse. The whole situation has been a complete farce, which is in keeping with our recent history. King needs to grab the bull by the horns here, and admit that an error has been made with this appointment, in my opinion. I don't see the CG 'witch hunt' going away any time soon. To have a true 'fans rep' on the board, we need a worldwide membership system, election campaigns, followed by transparent elections. This was a rushed appointment, which inevitably has come back to haunt us. Whether you're a fan of Chris, or not, his appointment was fundamentally flawed, and that in turn, has rubbed many people up the wrong way. If it wasn't this twitter shite, it would have been something else. A properly elected representative could easily ride out a storm such as this, a person in Chris's position, I'm not so sure.
  3. Miller was unlucky to get injured right before somewhat 'easy' games. Games that probably made Boyd and Clark look a better pairing than they actually are. I wouldn't go writing Miller off just yet. He was one of the better players in our first 3 games, even if his finishing was rusty. The situation will no doubt resolve itself naturally, with either injury, suspension or loss of form. I don't think there is a pairing that is so much better than the other, and wouldn't be upset to see Miller replace Boyd or Clark. The competition for a place can only keep all 3 of them on their toes. The real problem will come when big Daly is fit again (shudder).
  4. Sad news. One of the good guys. RIP bluebear.
  5. Sacking him now would be insanity. The fall-out while we search for a replacement would probably cost us the league before it's even began. It's not like we can give a new manager a war chest to replace some the duds we currently have. If he fails to win this league, he will do the right thing. The truth is, we're in no way ready for the top league, which is even more frightening than our poor football.
  6. He more thank likely tears the arse off them in private, but he's not going to humiliate players in public. Players that he's going to have to rely on this year. He has to say something to the press, so he probably just says the first thing that pops in his mind. All good managers deflect criticism from players, even if that means more for the manager.
  7. He can hardly come out and say the players are rotten. I wouldn't take much notice of what he says in public. He see's the same shite as us. He has to try get the best out of a bad bunch.
  8. There wasn't much between the two teams, but we really cant afford to miss open goals. If Templeton scores that header, we would have won easily. Hearts looked really shite in the first half. Losing Black seemed to spook us, although god knows why, he's rotten. You wouldn't even know Law had played the last 2 games if he hadn't scored in both. Boyd looks as pish as ever, and didn't even score his regulation tap-in when it presented itself. Miller ran himself ragged, but still lacks a bit of composure and quality, but he never stops, which is a big improvement on Daly. I don't think our problems will be solved by sacking Ally, putting Macleod in the middle, or even dropping Jig. If this squad of players manages to stumble over the line, and win this league, they deserve a pat on the back, because they're just not very good footballers. Edit; Thought this was the match thread. Apologies to the Ally oot brigade, carry on.
  9. I'd be embarrassed to go support us in a tournament if we got through on a technicality after such a riding. The Celtic fans busying themselves gloating about it, don't realise they're about to get fleeced for another 4 homes games, in a tournament they have zero chance of winning, and barely a chance of even escaping the group stages. They've made the groups unchallenged for 2 seasons and their squad has gotten worse, not better. It's only a win for the money men these days. The CL has been annoying me for years, this is just the icing on the cake. I don't know why so many of us are dying to be part of it again. It's now a sewn up monopoly, and we haven't been on the guest list for a decade. Teams from countries like ours are nothing more than warm up, cannon fodder until the real competition starts.
  10. It could be avoided with a simple amendment to their rules, such as, any team falling foul of this rule will suffer punishment A,B, or C. It could range from what they have done in this instance, right down to a fine for what is basically a clerical error, to which no real sporting advantage was gained. There's not a person in football that wouldn't think a fine is a suitable punishment for this. If the guy came on and rattled a hat-trick, then the punishment could be more severe. Even the most ardent Celtic fan can't argue the punishment fits the crime. The whole episode is an embarrassment for UEFA, and for football in general. Imagine they done the unthinkable and went on to win it. Hardly likely, but could happen to a better team, who does have a chance of winning it. Football needs a certain level of bureaucracy, but when it impinges on the spirit of the game, it's going way too far.
  11. I would guess they have an almost zero chance of a successful appeal, but that doesn't mean that the system isn't fundamentally flawed. I'm surprised that more clubs haven't fallen foul of it before. A much simpler system would be UEFA letting clubs know when a suspended player is eligible for selection again. It would remove all chances of human error on the clubs part, and in turn, stopping fans watching in effect meaningless matches. It's fairly obvious there was no serious foul play, or an intent to gain any advantage, but it seems UEFA's own rules have them limited in what action they must take. It's farcical when you consider the amounts of money that now ride on these games.
  12. Perfect thread title, in hindsight. Someone at Legia has obviously dropped the ball, but the punishment hardly fits the crime. The problem here is the harshness of the rule/punishment. It seems that UEFA leave little wriggle room for a more appropriate sanction. In light of that, it's the clubs responsibility to make sure everything is checked, and then double checked. To think that a low level employee/administrator can undo all the hard work of players/management is just sickening. This is scraping the barrel of technicalites, but expecting any club to look a gift horse in the mouth is wishful thinking at best. With regards to how it affects us, I don't think it matters too much. We are so far behind them financially, that it might as well be an extra £100m they get gifted. At least this way, we get to see them either horsed by Maribor, or royally pumped 6 times in the group stages. Every cloud loyal.
  13. I think the whole idea of a sin bin is so matches don't get ruined with sending offs. If someone wants to mete out some personal justice, it would still be a red card. The sin bin in rugby generally gets used for minor offences, or repeated minor offences. I seen a guy get it for kicking the ball away the other day. It also stops players getting red cards for two minor offences, like dissent, and then maybe a hand ball. It then reserves red cards for only the most serious of offences. More games would finish 11 v 11 for sure.
  14. I think a sin bin can punish minor indiscretions, without ruining the whole game. I'm sure you can still get ordered off in rugby for the more serious offences. Does giving a player a yellow card in the last 10 minutes really punish a team? Or would 10 minutes sat in a sin bin stop the constant time wasting?
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