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Dirty Harry

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About Dirty Harry

  1. PM sent. Think I was the welcome one but was never near the highest post count.
  2. But everything that's happened is exactly why I'm curious. Whatever your opinion, it has been an astonishing 12 months in the history of Scottish football. I'm very aware how the fans of other clubs see things but Rangers fans obviously see things in a very different light.
  3. Can I take the 5th amendment on that one ?
  4. Curiosity mostly. I was a member of Gersnet (under a different name) about 7 years ago and posted quite regularly. I was made welcome by most (CammyF still around?) if not everyone. Always thought your forum didn't have much of the more extreme stuff found elsewhere.
  5. I'll come clean right away and admit I'm a Celtic fan. I'm hoping ill not be made too unwelcome as long as I behave myself. The stuff in today's tabloids was based on an interview in the previous day's Guardian which was much more balanced than today's headlines (all too predictably) suggest.
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