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It doesn't really affect the club if green is the yorkshire ripper. Him not being truthful about the ipo, does. Like I said, show us the bank statements, and I'll stfu.
Most football clubs operate on the premise that 90% of their fans are blind loyal sheep. Luckily, Rangers, and celtic have almost 100% loyalty. I'm quite proud that I'm not one of them. Rangers used to stand for something and give it's support a sense of identity, and belonging. Now it's just another money making scam for suits that couldn't give two fucks for any of our history or traditions. The tipping point will come within all football clubs, and maybe we can get back to the most important thing. The actual sport.
Show us the bank statements then. That's also a shit-load of interest we we are losing if it's not in our account. For all we know, ticketus could be sitting with that dough.
I think there is ways. The promissary notes for example. I don't think they actually involve cash changing hands, but I'm no expert. If it's anythin like the original "investment", I'd stake my left baw there has been some jiggery pokery.
An easy one to refute. Publish the bank statement that says £22m credit. Would put a lot of bears minds at ease also.
Like green and ahmed then. They got a shit-load for virtually nothing.
I too have my doubts that we have £22m sittng in the bank waiting to be spent. It's been over 6 weeks now and have we actually spent any of it yet, apart from on running expenses? The real test will be when the transfer embargo is up, and we see the excuses why Ally doesn't get his promised £10m warchest.
We should boycott season books until green sells up. We shouldn't buy books until we have someone at he helm with Rangers best interests at heart. Radical eh.
It was in the initial allegation from thompson. The club deemed it "unworthy of comment", in both statements they made. Commonly known as sweeping under the carpet.
Having a bad manager isn't a reason to withdraw financial support, having a bad owner/CE, is. I have better things to spend my money on than greens gas bill. People like green rely on unquestionablle loyalty from supporters to make profit for themsleves. I choose not to encourage that behaviour. Doesn't mean I stopped following Rangers, or my view wont change once he's gone. Saying that, I didn't go to Ibrox until everyone responsible for bringing mojo was gone. Then we got whyte......
I'm not blaming them gs. I'm just sayin without the vast uptake, green couldn't have bought us. His whole plan was reliant on the support stepping up in numbers.
I'm sure the first months wages were all part of the deal of purchase, outwith the purchase price. We have only found out yesterday that this was paid with an external loan, to be paid back by the club, ie, the fans. At the very least, they were less than honest at the time. Without that loan, they couldn't have bought, an certainly wouldn't have been the "best bidder", imo.
Probably very close. Green was shiteing because of bomber, and the worry that we wouldn't buy books. If we just held out for another month or so, green would have sold, either to kennedy, or McColl, and we might actually be on the right path, instead of the way we are heading now. We blinked and the rest is history.
The initial investors couldn't even cover the first months wage bill, without outside "loans". The fans bailed green out by buying season books in great numbers, otherwise his regime was over before it began. So without us, his plan to buy was fucked. Hardly a great starting point, and it does kinda mean that we helped him "buy" the club.
All three of them have one thing in common. Neither of them had a pot to piss in when they bought us. I would like to have seen what green would have done in whytes position. I doubt the outcome would have been much different.