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Everything posted by barca72

  1. Andy Dibble, goalkeeper, gained three caps for Wales between 1986/89. He joined Rangers in 1997, so he did not get capped while playing for Rangers. He joined Rangers on a free xfer from Manchester City. When Andy Goram was injured he was played against Celtic in his first match for Rangers and had a great game in a 1-0 win for the famous.
  2. It would appear that Scottish Football are not happy with the standard of behaviour of some sideline managers either.
  3. I looked for but could not find any complaints about the UB march from Rangers FC, Club1872, PoliceScotland or anyone else connected to the club. Does that mean that said organizations are satisfied that the club's reputation has not been sullied in any way by this UB march? Good. I was getting worried that anyone wearing a face covering on the way to the match would cause the club's image to be tarnished. I mean, what will be next to be criticised, the niqab? Oh, the worry! What about this behaviour? Anyone heard of the SNP types criticising this? ...
  4. Let's see, we had a crowd of 50K+ at the game. Take off the opposition allocation and we're left with 43K+. We have a group of fans, mostly young and energetic, deciding to march to the game as a unit. Why did they do it? They are walking the same streets as thousands of other fans do in getting to Ibrox. Why not just make your way there in smaller groups? Maybe they have a point to prove. Maybe they feel that their team can finally beat today's opposition and they want to show the world that they are feeling good. Solidarity of the tribe etc. They issue a flyer which is less than the normal standard of good taste. They don't care, they're young and invincible and how often will they get the chance to finally have a win against this opposition. The police have spoken to them about creating any trouble and what the consequences will be, but they go ahead any way. According to the many pictures taken by the media and videos taken by the fans we could probably guess the marchers numbered around 500. The police formed a line at both the front of the march and at the rear. They did not ringfence the march in the same fashion as they did when a similar group of Rangers' fans marched to Celtic park last year. From these same pictures and videos it could be assessed that the great majority of the group wore dark clothing(it was rather crisp and coolish), also that about 30 at the front of the march were wearing some kind of face covering with a few more back from them. Maybe 40 in all. We might presume this was because the police were filming the group's occupants.( n.b. some supporters of various clubs do this for the same reason inside grounds). So, we might surmise that possibly 0.1% of the crowd attending the game on Sunday walked to the game for a short while with their faces covered in some way. How should we view this revelation? Should we, as Rangers' supporters, be concerned that the club's reputation will be forever sullied because of this tiny minority's actions, or should we perhaps look upon it as youth having an occasional fling? Maybe we should check to see if there was any violent, riotous, depraved, crazed or other such behaviours that breached the laws of the land and just how many people were worthy of being arrested? Brother supporters, the decision is yours.
  5. OMG, between people fighting in the streets of the Gallowgate and people marching on the streets of Kinning Park all on the same day - what is a person to think about Glasgow? Almost unprecedented ...
  6. That qualifies your opinions as being worthy of note ... I'm sure the young UB will be impressed with your criticisms.
  7. Those three represent the only players from our squad who are capable of representing Scotland right now.
  8. Pretty dark and sinister on the morning of a derby match, eh???
  9. Any indication of any arrests concerning the march to the stadium? Was there any disorder reported in the DR about the march to the stadium?
  10. How much trouble was there on this march to the venue? I think the Glasgow plod know what they are doing ... https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/police-march-rangers-fans-parkhead-10010848 ... I wonder how many people remembered this and how many were offended on behalf of the club when it took place?
  11. Between those taking part in this march tomorrow - Urban Bears, Blue Order, Vanguard Bears and Imperial Bears - I'm sure there are plenty of good, sensible and mature bears who can hopefully counsel the young lads to march peacefully. No one wants to see trouble, and nothing has happened yet. However, what I find disappointing is that a supposed bear who, even if he finds the idea of this parade disturbing, would stoop to the level of referring to fellow bears as "fuck nuts" and "complete idiots". One might almost be moved to tell him to "dry yer eyes on yer pinny".
  12. Vanguard Bears‏ @VanguardBears 56m56 minutes ago More Be careful with what colour your clothes are tomorrow, Bears. You don't want to upset the eternally offended by wearing dark.... Glasgow is and always will be blue.
  13. And unrepentant at that.
  14. Excellent timing to lead the news cycle.
  15. You seem to be expecting a donnybrook and no one has hit the streets yet. Let's just wait and see. On the other hand look at it from the point of view of these young Ultras. For the past six years their heads have been down because of the situation with the club. Now, for the first time in all of those years, they have a genuine chance to celebrate their club's march to the pinnacle of Scottish football. Do you really want to kill their passion and pride of promise they have for their club?
  16. As long as these lads do not incite violence or any other acts which could tarnish the club's brand, then why pre-judge them? They already know Plod are watching them. What's wrong with a wee bit of swagger and enthusiasm?
  17. Which means the team is playing good football, and winning ...
  18. That video is not playing Ian, maybe because I'm overseas ...
  19. It's easy to underestimate someone - but that's your first mistake.
  20. https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/scottish-fa/organisation/strategy-structure/who-we-are/board-committees/ The Board The main Board consists of eight members: the Scottish FA Office Bearers (Alan McRae, President; the Chief Executive; and Rod Petrie, Vice President), plus Ian Maxwell (SPFL), Michael Mulraney (SPFL), Thomas McKeown (Scottish Amateur FA) and independent non-executive directors, Ana Stewart and Gary Hughes. The Board will focus on corporate strategy and top-line decision-making, with the operational Professional Game Board and Non-Professional Game Board representing their respective parts of the game. These boards were created to provide greater focus in the affairs of the Professional and Non-Professional game. Stewart Robertson is a member of the Professional Game Board.
  21. Rangers Football Club‏Verified account @RangersFC 9h9 hours ago Everyone at Rangers would like to pass on their condolences to the family and friends of Liam Miller following the sad news that he has lost his battle with cancer.
  22. I agree the structure of the Scottish game requires changes but coming from Liewell that is rich. With the influence he and his cronies have had in aiding the destruction of the game in Scotland for purely selfish reasons, he is the last person from whom advice is needed. Arrogance personified.
  23. The problem with the SFA body, as I see it, is there is no representation for the fans and as a result it is very cloistered. This leads to political and personal agendas being played out rather than what is truly good for the game. Up to this latest meeting, it has been astonishing to watch a man control the workings of our game and who has led it to the depths it has now reached on the international stage and at the same time offend half of the national support. Who believes he is doing a good job while half of the support are booing a man wearing a Scotland shirt because of the club he represents? The present body will have to choose his successor very wisely if they want to overcome the rifts created by Regan.
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