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Everything posted by barca72

  1. ... about the 53 sec. mark ... https://rangers.co.uk/news/rangers-tv/video-gerrard-jack-press-conference/
  2. If true it seems Gerrard has not managed to stop the dressing room leak. One thing is for sure it is not Miller this time. It was Miller's neighbour !!
  3. Sell out Saturday, again ... Dundee United 1 - 1 Alloa Athletic Saturday 21st July 2018 Dundee United 1 1 HT 1-0 Alloa Athletic Alloa Athletic win 4-3 on penalties F Frans (24) A Trouten (pen 79) Official Steven McLean Attendance 1,659 Weather Clear Venue Tannadice Park Group A HOME AWAY TEAM P W D L F A W D L F A GD PTS 1 Ross County 2 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 2 Alloa Athletic 2 1 0 0 4 2 0 1 0 1 1 2 5 3 Arbroath 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 3 5 0 5 4 Dundee United 3 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 -1 2 5 Elgin City 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 -4 0
  4. What should we pay attention to in this mainly factual post by another BBC poster, the panel's actions or the suggested punishments for King? It's so satisfying when people are nice to us, yes? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-44908488 King of Ibrox: stringing along the Court Douglas FraserBusiness/economy editor, Scotland 35 minutes ago Share this with Facebook Share this with Messenger Share this with Twitter Share this with Email Share It's taken a long time for the Court of Session to force the Rangers chairman Dave King to comply with company law. He's strung along the Takeover Panel and the Court. But he may soon face an unpleasant combination of a cold shoulder, hot water and porridge. Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES Dave King has previous on stringing along the authorities. In legal action taken by South Africa's tax authorities, he kept them waiting for years before paying up what he owed. The stigma of a criminal record doesn't seem to bother him much. Facing action by the Takeover Panel, the Ibrox chairman seems to be playing a similar game. The watchdog of mergers and takeovers has limited powers. The main one is usually very effective, in that it "cold shoulders" someone who refuses to comply, denying them any access to regulated financial companies, such as banks or accountants. It hasn't used that on Dave King, yet, probably because he doesn't have much need of banks or accountants in the UK. He lives in South Africa, from where it's easier to cock a snook at the financial authorities in London. He did so this week with his start-of-season message to fans. Published on the Rangers website, this was intended to fuel a sense of Ibrox grievance that Rangers' financial difficulties are down to vexatious complaints from other clubs and former directors. It's almost as if the Companies Act 2006 was not crystal clear on him being in the wrong, or that the Takeover Panel was unable to make up its own mind without pressure from the terracing at Parkhead. Not for the first time, a Rangers chairman in difficulties has appealed to the faithful to back him against the perceived injustices of the outside world. And not for the first time, many of the Rangers faithful have failed to distinguish between the interests of their club and those of its chairman. 'No end in sight' King twice described the Court of Session rulings as "strange", and said the Takeover Panel's refusal to give him more time to get his finances together, to open a UK bank account and to make the offer was causing "further unnecessary delay, with no end in sight". Those final four words appear to be what focussed our learned friends' minds with Friday's hearing in the Court of Session. King is either deluding himself about who's causing delay, or he's stringing along the Court. But for how long? Being found in contempt of court, as early as next month, could bring a jail sentence of up to two years or an unlimited fine. Both the Court and the Takeover Panel have a common interest in seeing their authority respected, and that of the law. So does he want to be a fugitive, unable to touch down in the UK and visit Ibrox without having his collar felt? If he is held in contempt, will there then be a case for the Scottish Football Association to challenge his status as a "fit and proper" person to be a director of a Scottish premiership club? That sporting sanction, rather than cold shouldering or a fine, may be what the Takeover Panel is relying upon as the leverage to get Mr King to comply. He'll have to make up his mind before 16 August, when the case is reconvened? Yes, yet again, the Scottish courts are taking a long time to handle this. I'm told it could have been taken to an English court, and would probably have been concluded a long time ago.
  5. Proverb one swallow does not a summer make One instance of an event (such as the arrival of a single bird) does not necessarily indicate a trend.
  6. Let's suppose the SFA won this case, just what would happen to Rangers? If they should be denied a European licence how would the SFA be any further forward? Is this simply for the Res12 bhoys to keep Rangers from European bounty? Cui Bono?
  7. Just like Walter's teams. Boring but satisfyingly through to the next round.
  8. It would appear that the OO is ready to stand witness to the alleged incident ... https://orangeorderscotland.com/2018/07/09/updated-statement-from-the-grand-orange-lodge-of-scotland-regarding-st-alphonsus-church/ Statement by Jim McHarg, Grand Master of the Grand Orange Lodge of Scotland, “I, like so many others, was appalled to hear the reports of the incident that happened outside St Alphonsus Church in Glasgow on Saturday. Verbal abuse is in itself unacceptable, but allegations of spitting is vile and disgusting, and we hope those involved are brought to justice. Whilst I am assured that no members of the parade were involved in any of the incidents, we understand that it was carried out by a small group of young men who turned up to watch the parade go past. “The Orange Order is founded on the principal of religious liberty for all. This includes the right of other faiths to celebrate their own heritage and history, just as we celebrate ours. Unfortunately, there are a small number of people in society who seem unwilling to accept this tolerant approach. Indeed, many of them allude to beliefs and sing songs about a time in the past which they probably know very little about or fail to understand completely. I have only one message for them, you are not welcome at any of our parades! “I have today asked our Executive Officer to call Canon White to express our sadness at what he had to endure. We have also written to the Archdiocese. We have contacted the Police to offer our full support in their investigations. A number of members of the parade witnessed the incident on Saturday, and senior members intervened at the time to stand up for Canon White. Those members will be key witnesses for the Police and stand ready to assist. “Whilst it may be said that the Orange Order has different opinions to the Roman Catholic Church, I have no hesitation in stating that today we stand with Canon White in saying that this sort of behaviour has no place in society.” Of course it still remains to be seen just where the allegencies of the alleged nerds belong to.
  9. The Bury fans are finding out what we already know - WATP.
  10. Funny timing for such a statement, during half time of a WC match and on a Saturday. What else is coming?
  11. Seriously though, do we really care about them or their faux outrage?
  12. The hell with the media. It's those folk in the east end we want to be upset, hugely upset.
  13. Stein, Johnston, Johnston, All in Barcelona 1972.
  14. He really needed this pre-season training, because he did not look fit most of the games last season.
  15. Loyalty and respect typified the man. ... Thefounderstrail.co.uk 3 hrs · In September 2016 Johnny Hubbard asked to pay his respects at the final resting place of the man who signed him for Rangers Mr.Struth.
  16. No worries, man. It does seem that we agree on the important point.
  17. Matt.7. [1] Judge not, that ye be not judged. [2] For with what judgment ye judge,ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. [3] And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Matthew - Bible, King James Version
  18. Looks like he can tackle and his passes seemed to mostly find his own guys. Hopeful.
  19. memory check, his first goal for Celtic and against us - arms away from the body the whole way ...
  20. I don't know about flimsy. I would rather he be positive rather than negative or realistic. Who have we had since Walter that filled the support with hope? I know I'll be looking at this upcoming season as the one that turns us around. Let's go !!
  21. Jackson is such a muppet !!! https://www.scottishfa.co.uk/media/1814/cup-competition-rules.pdf 36. TICKETS FOR SALE For any match to which admission is wholly or partly by ticket or by cash admission at the turnstiles, the visiting club shall have the right to claim admissions up to 20% of the spectator capacity of the ground, in which case the supporters of the visiting club shall be accommodated in an area of the ground which 156 is agreed by both clubs and the Police authorities after having taken cognisance of the Safety at Sports Ground Act, 1975, where appropriate. The exercise of such right shall be subject to the following conditions:– a) Except in the case of a replay the right is exercised within three days of the date on which the ballot is made. b) In the case of any replay, the right is exercised immediately after the drawn game. c) The visiting club shall be responsible for payment of all tickets asked for and allotted. d) The visiting club shall ensure that any tickets which are not required, together with a remittance for the total allotment, are in the hands of the ground club at least twenty-four hours before the time of kick-off. e) If any of the tickets which are so returned are subsequently sold, an appropriate refund will be made by the host club. The tickets which are allotted to the visiting club, if numbered and for reserved positions, shall be equal in position to those retained by the host club.
  22. Same argument, i.e. the tables are tilted in favour of the catholic population. Where is the 'equality, respect, integrity'?
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