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Everything posted by barca72

  1. Normally I would agree about him being a winger, however, today he could hardly get by their right back and mostly handed off to Baricic.
  2. How many times have we seen our teams haul themselves into a great position and then think the job is done and bottle it? Both goals(?) today were instructive. Haliday's goal beat a packed defence, a whole wall of defence. Why doesn't anyone take potshots from outside the box during open play? Lafferty's goal that was flagged offside showed that when we coax a team's defence away from the 18-yd. box then get behind them on the break with a good cross into the goal area, good things can happen. This side-to-side passing build up has to go. Too slow. Better passing into space(albeit scarce) has to be preferred to increase forward progress at speed, i.e. moving forward as a unit. Putting crosses into an 8-10 man defence just will not work(especially when a lot of them cannot beat the first man). Mentally, this bunch need woken up.
  3. I agree with his point about transparency and accountability, however I disagree about his problem with the Rangers' players celebrating. They did this in front of the Rangers' fans only, not in front of the Hearts' fans as Lennon did. How could they have done, there were no Hearts' fans left by the time they celebrated !
  4. He's developing the defensive part of the game too. I seen him a few times last night running from one side of the pitch to the other side in an attempt to close them down high. Must be taking that from Morelos. Good stuff.
  5. Bite your tongue off, man, you'll make us all sick !!?
  6. The last 15 mins. was when the team needed their energy to pull them through. Great how the fans sense these things. WATP.
  7. 4th time this season I've said this, thank God for Allan McGregor !!
  8. This is a stitch-up job, plain and simple.
  9. barca72


    What do you think of this FS? To solve a problem you first have to admit there is a problem !! The Blue Sea of Ibrox 11 hrs · Roberson on Ibrox Redevelopment and Project 2022: SR: “We’re looking at better retail space, conference facilities and a museum. Hopefully in the next 12-18 months you’ll see a real upgrade to the facilities around the stadium, as well as facilities for disabled supporters which are currently not fit for purpose.“ #RangersAGM
  10. My God where were security as these fans entered the stadium? How do you get petroleum through the turnstiles? Somebody's head should roll for this. Instead of a football match that looks like a war zone. Incredible, when you consider the damage that could have been caused.
  11. Especially when you consider former Celtic View photographer John Cullen, 49, was found guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court. Cullen, who lost his job at the Celtic magazine, admitted lewd and libidinous conduct - snapping young boys in the nude. Isn't this how they operate, sharing child porn pics?
  12. I don't know. Remember that plod recommended to GCC that they couldn't handle the protection for a 50-man OO Remembrance parade going up the Calton, and that it should be re-routed. I think Liewell is correct in refusing tickets. After all, Stephen Thomson had to sit with the DU fans when last he visited Ibrox. Make you boke, eh?
  13. Sounds like Liewell has inside information. First thing that comes to mind is what committee was he a member of that released this information to him. Was he a member of any committee which decided to initiate proceedings against Rangers? Did he recuse himself from any decision making discussions? Why would his club push so hard to injure a fellow Association club? Maybe it's time DK took the restraints off commenting on their, CFC, club's association with CBC and their paedo activities. This no longer qualifies for a dignified silence. These guys, CFC, are out to destroy Rangers. Maybe if they had to deal with the pressure of dealing with and recognizing real human tragedy, of their own making, they wouldn't have time for this Res. 12 nonsense.
  14. Any victim headline will do to bounce the paedo stuff off the news cycle. Lieswell was asked by a shareholder about the sectarian IRA singing by the CFC fans. Liewell admitted it was a hard problem to deal with. How better to deal with the away fans than not allow them to be there to sing their objectionable songs? The man can't be trusted to give a straight answer, fan safety my arse.
  15. As I read that post, Ian, it does not have the scope to investigate children at CBC. They need a separate inquiry. ... "For the purpose of this Inquiry, “Children in Care” includes children in institutional residential care such as ..." ... "The term does not include: children living with their natural families; children living with members of their natural families, children living with adoptive families, children using sports and leisure clubs ..." Unless and until there is an inquiry directly focused on CBC and all of Scottish football there is a possibility of sweeping this under the carpet. The Scottish government should be seen to be prepared to investigate all avenues of inquiry robustly without leaving any area unchecked. No one should have to plead with them, such as Michelle Gray, to do their job properly. The fact that Torbett has just appealed his trial and sentence shows just how far their reprehensible mindset will go to find a way to not accept responsibilty for their evil actions.
  16. No matter who raises it, the decision to launch a government inquiry still lies with wee Nippy.
  17. There is much to agree with in your post and I too sympathize with the printing department employees etc.. However, I have no sympathy with the editorial staff and most of their reporters. They had their chance to give us fair and unbiased investigative journalism and comment and they blew it.
  18. Good questions. Like you I wait with bated breath!!
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