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Posts posted by trublusince1982

  1. think it was around £3.4m newcastle £3.9m us. doubt that counts the money we returned in unbought



    meant to say leopards dont change their spots. He is greed personified

  2. for me he was the man who brought green and co from day one. The sfa rules didnt allow him to take full control so he had associates buy under their name and proxy to his puppet green then onto easdales. he uses the non naming of bluepitch and co to distract from himself ame while green keeps the fans attention away he strips away the revenues he wants. Green and co are then paid through 5% of every deal secured via ipo with guarenteed amount bought by ashley proxy

  3. exactly. no need for loans or shares in return,nothing.


    sticks in my craw when they offer 6.5 then say we could up it to ten. why not offer the ten in the first place? thought rangers were first priority? the club and the fans need the largest investment poss. Wish just one person would play the long game and not try and maximize returns in the short term.

  4. you can't put in millions just now the mechanisms for doing so were voted against by greenco at the agm.
    if you can put in two mil to pay bills you can put in five mil. its the return that restricts.


    We need people with the ability to drive home whats needed.The bid seems to still rely on the board doing whats right. Its like they are unaware of who they are dealing with.


    if they want shareholders to follow them at the egm they need to first lead.

  5. In what way? What were you looking for?
    the structure of the deal and especially the amount of cash of actual benefit to the club.


    would hope whoever takes over puts up the money to take the club forward,not just give enough for two months worth of bills. Personallx want someone incharge who has both the money and ability to steer the ship under their own steam. Not pay the minimum for control then encourage others to fund their leadership.


    they cannot have any serious plans for infrastructure when they have no idea how much they have to spend.

  6. ashley doesnt care for what is right or sensible for the company and he will use every bit of his groups smarts,wealth and influence to ensure he remains all powerful. The club becoming financially secure while he cannot buy control through shares will meet every obstacle he can throw.


    hopefully king or the 3 bears manage to counter and are successful but for me delays are their enemy.

  7. Christ man, you are living proof that an extremist fringe exists with your previous post!


    Although in fairness, it's possible you're right & I'm wrong. I was sure last Friday would be a disaster for the actions against the board, and they haven't really been so, not yet anyway. But even allowing for my all too visible fallibility, going by post #24 you're certainly an extremist and you're definitely embarrassing the club, to the extent that such a thing is still possible.

    The only embarrassment is your unspoken assumptions. Before I start my rant! Are those actions on Friday the driving influence in the club having dropped Ibrox from the security? for me most likely. That alone for me proves the point of those who shout the loudest and threaten the lowest form of retribution get an easier time of it.


    Pointing out the truth of the matter does not embarrass the club in anyway. If religious songs based on past actions or being outspoken against a religion incites social unrest then why would the same people inciting the same unrest through other means draw different conclusions/actions? Same goes for why is it wrong/illegal for me to stand on a box in George square and call people of different sexual preferences to mine, evil and wrong(for example only. I am all for people being themselves) .Yet if i put on a caller and mire it in the word of God it's okay? Its not because God actually exists ,its because more people would step up and denounce action against me causing problems for those in control.


    Through nearly all of documented history society and its rulers be it politicians, Governor's,presidents,police forces or armies have all been swayed and steered in policy and actions by the provocations of the noisiest group. If you truly believe there is one rule for all on equal matters then that is embarrassing.


    Its pretty much the whole basis of politics and the building blocks of society. One group collects the numbers of another group under their umbrella by associating themselves with said groups objectives and aims even if they don't actually care for those aims/goals all to collect the numbers. Same goes with pissing off those who marshal numbers willing to debase themselves for a common cause.


    If you honesty do not think policy within Scotland's police force is guided by those within society who's voices shout the loudest I am afraid you are past naive into the realm of having teddy bears for friends.Next it will be money does not dictate charges brought!



    That being said could also easily argue the fringe part as being nonsense as well. If you meet people with those views you class as "extreme views" at work,school,pubs,clubs and within every day life on a regular basis and most people in the same proximity can say the same. Then I would ask when is a fringe not a fringe? When its numbers equal a majority.

  8. Only if, were the boot on the other foot, said other party included references to religion, belief etc. in what are now called offensive or crackpot terms. Like this:




    It's been lovely not having to read pish like this embarrassing the Club while we've been away from Old Firm games. I'd not be too bothered if we never had to play them again, if only to stop people publicly highlighting the extremist edge to the fan base.

    Would be even better if people could just accept the reality of life instead of hiding behind nonsensical myths of extremist fringes.
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