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trublusince1982 last won the day on September 11 2018

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  1. We have many problems but for me the formation is a main issue We have a 8% conversion rate. Our answer to that is to create more chances and tweak the formation to increase chances but that does not increase conversion rates. The formation doesn't allow for an increase of players who are natural goal scorer's. We have a single focal point that is easy to defend against. The formation leads mainly to chance creation but leaves those chances at the feet of players who have zero confidence in front of goal. We must change to a formation that emphasise and enhances those players who have higher conversion rates ie Morelos, kamberi, hagi and Defoe and stop playing number tens. Play three forwards across the front line (kamberi, Defoe, morelos) and hagi behind, especially at home against bottom of the league.
  2. Poor by Gerrard. Every week we let poor decisions go without comment or any attempt to fight for fairness. The mentality at the club is not set for winning. Winners dont accept.
  3. You can sing about yourself and support yourself all you want. You can't sing about others. It's pretty simple. Celtic fans play the game and skirt the rules and laws. We just shout fuck the pope like a bunch of morons and ****** this and fuck Bobby sands that. Then we act all hard done too when they get away with it and we don't. They are more sleekit, time we wised up instead of acting like we are victims to some conspiracy when our actions are moronic
  4. Fod Tav Goldson Edmundson Halliday Davis Aribo Jack Ojo Morelos Jones Would be my choice??????
  5. Having watched it again and again he makes no deliberate movement. His foot is dragged up by McLean's then the movement down is in response to a boot in the face with Morelos extending his upper body away. A yellow at worst. Will win and be rescinded easily once lawyers are involved. Clearly no intent to harm
  6. He doesn't behave and act like a white European so therefore he is wrong and needs to change. Cosgrove had committed four fouls and been spoken too twice no comment from commentators. Morelos commits two fouls and the ref speaks to him for not watching the ball but the player and it's " he will need to watch himself" " he needs to control himself" "lacks discipline" " if he gets a yellow he will be off" Completely different set of rules and expectations for Morelos. Again comments about his face and how they don't like it last night. Disgusting. Nobody said anything about Ferguson's face or need to correct his attitude after his clearly deliberate stamp, not a word about him changing his ways etc
  7. Sadiq-Defoe Ejarie- Davies kamara all improvements to the squad. Great to see business being done quickly, hopefully we can get kamara in this window to help cover some of the injuries we have
  8. What a day it turned out to be!?? We beat them on every level and showed them the correct level of respect. None.????????????????
  9. We were never going to challenge this year or next. Our wage budget is miniscule compared to theirs. Not even close to being competitive. We need to focus on euro runs and getting merchandise sorted before we can give any real thought to league titles.
  10. The team doesn't fill me with confidence. Had hoped he's stick with Lafferty and Morelos and kept Wallace in too. Coulibaly must be untouchable
  11. Amazing from Alfredo!!! He's a class above the rest. Lafferty made a huge difference along with playing the ball long and central
  12. It's about coaching and manager for me. Dreadful tactics. All we do is go wide and look for Tav or barisic to cross or pull back for candiese to cross from deep yet we don't have a single attacking playing who feeds off that type of play. Coulibaly as the midfielder who's to get beyond the forward is laughable. He doesn't have a single attribute to suit that role. Worral is constantly under the ball and makes it look like we are playing goldson as sweeper. Poor management. Only asnwer he has is to put in more crosses. Get the ball down and play through the middle and stop tinkering with the team.
  13. Should be a red and also a penalty.
  14. I get Arfield is injured but the look Macaulay gave Gerrard on the way off tells me that had zero to do with a knock.might be wrong but just don't trust Gerrard's substitutions. They hurt us more than help.
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