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Everything posted by frost

  1. Maybe you should read my reply to kuznetsov who says it isn't a story/rumour I am not about to call him a liar as I don't know the truth of the matter, although in another place the act was said to have been witnessed and partaken of in a toilet at a boxing night. If as I said Ally knows this person has a coke habit and signed him, he shouldn't be managing Rangers period.
  2. I don't doubt you, you do have the better of me by being closer to the action so to speak, what concerns me is the serious lack of judgement by our manager, I believe if something like that came to light in any other managerial position in any industry it would be a sacking offence putting a user in close proximity of young players/employees.
  3. It is hard to believe that Ally doesn't know if the player has a habit which makes signing him all the more incomprehensible, why would you introduce a known user into a dressing room full of impressionable youngsters. If the stories about the player are true it is poor management and does nothing to convince me that Ally will ever make a manager.
  4. I can't quite believe I read on another open forum of a player allegedly doing coke, if true Alistair has serious discipline problems to address before someone else does.
  5. Dingwall will have a position within a year nothing is surer.
  6. Story about BBC and tax avoidance, be interesting to see how Spence and Cowan etc are paid. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/A4ZK1vsCUAEUzqy.png:large
  7. Something very wrong and odious about Rangers fans in various places drooling over the gun runners weasel words.
  8. I think Ally will end up the same as the Bobby Charltons of this world, had it as a player but lacked it as a manager, I hope to be proved wrong but won't be to surprised if I am not.
  9. Cowan is a fat freeloading bastard who was given the freedom of the rhebel to have another go at us.
  10. The author is Duff and Phelps their statement by using the word will appears to pre-empt an outcome not in our favour, why the did not preface liability with possible is beyond me.
  11. There is something disquieting about the wording of this short paragraph, either that or someone requires lessons in English. According to the estimate, which the insolvency practitioners said it had listed for "voting purposes" for HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) in the company voluntary liquidation this month, the 'big' tax case against the oldco will result in a £73m liability.
  12. Lord Hodge and the appointed liquidators are the experts, they have the powers and far reaching ones at that. On another tac, disgraceful comments being made on clyde by hannah about robbing the schools and hospitals of tax funding, ably assisted by the usual **** bastards.
  13. If Lord Hodge doesn't sign of because he believes and the evidence supports a view that the administrators have been less than honest with his Lordship, all bets would be off and the wrath of his Lordship would go in one direction, along with sanctions as he would see fit. Time will tell.
  14. I remember when decision making was simply being able to read a game and be aware of those around you, seems the game has escalated to rocket science or so many would like us to believe.
  15. Unfortunately the law is paramount, as we may well find out.
  16. Either Lord Hodge or the appointed liquidators could send everything back to the beginning, Lord Hodge if he feels that the administrators have been yanking his chain over conflicts, and the forensic liquidators if they decide that the administration has been less than transparent and realised less than achievable assets values.
  17. Strangely this was only an estimate that ensured HMRC voting rights of more than 75%, something I believe the liquidators should scrutinise closely, it is almost as if the admin ensured there would be no CVA.
  18. A proper scouting system would unearth talent at a fraction of the cost, we are still entrenched in the mantra of the bigger the better of Willie Waddell days. Stories of a lax and frankly poorly managed regime at Auchenhowie abound and have done for years, they can't all be wrong, our coaching staff are not up to the mark for a premier job at Rangers.
  19. I agree with that, also Bazza and Lennon were and are big mates.
  20. I can concur with that, there are many of the other persuation in that circle.
  21. I doubt very much our coaching staff have the ability to make it work, the long ball is kick and rush not much coaching required there, only height.
  22. Continually rolling over to let the bbc put the boot in is no answer, there is no defence for their actions they are despicable anyone who cannot see this must be very tolerant of all things, even bbc agendas.
  23. BBC not at todays press conference, hopefully banned.
  24. For the return on the investment in it Auchenhowie has been a failure, I wonder if we will ever see a name change now that CG and murray appear to be working together.
  25. If the club has any respect for ourselves as an institution and our fans in general, they must make a stand and ban this perfidious organisation today.
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