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Everything posted by frost

  1. Strangely the two biggest clubs in Spain haven't crashed and burned, because of blatant financial doping on a scale that fifa/uefa and political authorities have chosen to condone, need we say any more.
  2. Once it was the peoples game where the fans could make a connection with the players of their team, where the game had some relevance to the life's people led. The apologists for the big money that has all but ruined the game and made the very fans who were its lifeblood second to tv deals and sponsors, they will tell us it is progress and moving with the times, not for me it isn't. Arsenal tickets at £126 are the unacceptable face of football yet little has been said of it, where will it stop or where will it all end. We have our own problems all money related and the root cause of the monetary cancer that has gripped the game and our own club, watching more money men picking over us and quite baldly stating they are here for a profit would be laughable if it wasn't true. But it is true and the people who will pay for that profit are pretending they won't be paying for it that some Carnegie is going to wave a magic wand and solve all, only he isn't and yes that's right the people who always pay will pay for the rich men's trappings again, yes us the fans. It is everything and anything other than the peoples game. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-19842397
  3. Everyone except the shareholders who really matter the fans, the select few big business the institutional shylocks. Anyone who thinks anyone is going to jail for this clusterfuck needs a reality check, the only ones to be punished are and will be us the fans. It is the way of the world.
  4. Sorry I need something more from an investment like seeing it used to the benefit of the club and not a select few, there is absolutely zero chance of a unified fans representative ever being elected to many factions and divisive elements. Once BDO are finished their forensic liquidation, that of course as long as Lord Hodge signs off on the administration, the road ahead should be a lot clearer.
  5. Not much succour for the hoi polloi there then, other than emotional blackmail for those who succumb to emotional blackmail easily.
  6. I wonder will the fans (investors for alleged multi millions £) have a seat on the board, will the same tenets apply to us, somehow I doubt it. "In terms of Craig, he signed a cheque for £1million and was one of the founder investors. He has particular interest in youth development and Murray Park is a big cost centre for the club. "I think there have been issues that we need to address in terms of how the club manages its affairs, how we use the cash that comes in and of course where we are going to spend the money that we are now raising in the market. "Craig is completely independent. He has come in as an investor and he is looking at things completely objectively. "When a man signs over £1million from his own bank account then I think he is entitled to have a look at what he has invested in."
  7. It isn't a question of the company being lawful, it is a question of that which is legally owned. Until all is legally signed of in relation to the administration and perceived undervaluing of assets is confirmed as spurious or not by the liquidators, best err on the side of sod's law before parting with money.
  8. Withey is still a defendant under the CB defence, whither the fact that he was also our clubs secretary has any bearing will be interesting, in any event he hasn't exited the case.
  9. Selling season tickets for an existing programme of events isn't illegal, selling or attempting to sell shares for something that is till to be defined as lawful is quite another thing altogether.
  10. HMRC's statement is irrelevant they are neither the Judge nor the liquidators, any breach of the law will be decided by the relevant authority.
  11. How is that possible in the least, Green bought our assets for next to nothing from the administrators who have yet to satisfy the Judge they are whiter than white, police looking into the original purchase by Whyte, and HMRC liquidators yet to trawl through everything that has transpired, I would say it has plenty to do with us.
  12. There is something back to front about this whole share issue scheme, we have on-going criminal inquiry's and a yet to be completed administration/liquidation and a Judge to decide on a conflict of interest charge levelled against the administrators. How shares could be offered let alone anyone buy them under these circumstances beats me.
  13. Contradiction and much ado about nothing.
  14. What disrespect and by whom ?
  15. Apparently Bill McMurdo also thinks Ally should step down, obviously just an opinion like everyone is entitled to. http://test54coplandroad.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/time-to-step-down-super.html?m=1
  16. The bare truth is Ally may be a top guy, what he isn't or ever will be is a football manager, he is 50 years old hardly an apprentice, keep the excuses of turmoil he has been in place for about 15 months and lost every game that mattered as well as a healthy points advantage.
  17. I expected a cake walk and no proffered excuses will convince me it shouldn't have been from day one, we should if we possibly could start paying third division wages, but of course that won't happen.
  18. Whatever it is we have wages thieves masquerading in Rangers jerseys, with a few exceptions including the youngsters who should see a better example from their elders.
  19. The strangest thing about the opposition having a cup final every week and playing like it, is that we failed to turn up in Manchester for a Euro final. McCoist sadly is no manager the game is littered with players who couldn't make the step up, he should walk now for the benefit of the club. The job should be advertised after all SA beat us yesterday without a manager, time for excuses is over Rangers' managers don't get time they get success or the bullet, PLG ?
  20. As I suspected the answer was way over your head considering drugs and illegal ones at that are the subject matter.
  21. I can see the difficulty you have understanding the subject matter under discussion, much like your incessant threats of night night.
  22. My comment on alcohol probably went over your head.
  23. I don't really care what you are missing, having seen the damage drugs do to people I will use that as my benchmark. In case you are unaware it is not illegal to drink alcohol as the exchequer gets a good cut from it, whither people drink themselves to death or into ruin.
  24. Maybe being arrested in possession and charged, court proceedings being halted 7 times and then witnesses having a mysterious amnesia about dates of the trial are more than enough smoke to blot out any fire. Trainspotters should not be wearing a Rangers jersey and Rangers managers should not be signing them, smackheads should not be at Ibrox if there is the slightest suspicion, just my opinion.
  25. I was very careful not to name anyone, however the link posted by FS did.
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